WACSSO: Representing P&Cs in WA in East Perth, Western Australia | Non-profit organisation
WACSSO: Representing P&Cs in WA
Locality: East Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9264 4000
Address: 151 Royal Street 6004 East Perth, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.wacsso.wa.edu.au
Likes: 2993
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23.01.2022 We are now opening up our 2020 WACSSO Annual Conference webinars to affiliates who are not attending this weekend's conference. The 3 webinars taking place this Saturday (15/08/2020) include: WA School Canteen Association Inc. (WASCA)... Running a canteen easy to digest 1:00pm - 1:45pm Ian Crawford Candor Training 7 Steps to High Performing P&Cs 2:00pm - 2:45pm Kristee Jolly - Inclusion Solutions Growing P&Cs through Valued Roles 3:00pm - 3:45pm Please note, registrations for the webinars will close tomorrow at 5:00pm (13/08/2020). Visit the link for more information and to register for the webinars: https://www.wacsso.wa.edu.au//wacs/webinars-and-workshops/
23.01.2022 Do you have a child that is planning on celebrating Leavers? Check out these free information sessions which aim to give parents and carer's tips on how to talk to their children about a variety of different issues relating to Leaver's celebrations. The information sessions will also be live-streamed for parents and carers who can't be there in person.... For more information, visit: https://www.sdera.wa.edu.au/leavers
22.01.2022 The WACSSO 2020 Annual Conference Webinars are now available on our YouTube Channel! A huge thank you to WA School Canteen Association Inc., Ian Crawford from Candor Training and Kristee Jolly from Inclusion Solutions for presenting these informative and engaging webinars at Conference. To watch the webinars, visit: https://www.youtube.com/playlist
22.01.2022 Good news! We've packed Term 3 with plenty of engaging workshops and webinars. These include classic WACSSO training webinars which address P&C procedure, as well as workshops presented by guest speakers which address a variety of different topics to help get your P&C running smoothly.... For more information or to book, visit: https://www.trybooking.com/eventlist/wacsso
21.01.2022 What did last years winner do with $1,000? Lets find out Dongara DHS bought a new counter top display fridge. Canteen Supervisor Sarah had the vision - she ...knew the fridge was going to be a great marketing tool for eye catching healthy foods and boost green sales. For more ideas and inspiration, and information on how to apply for a RBVG, visit our website https://bit.ly/Robinbromleyvisionarygrants Applications close Friday 11 September 2020
18.01.2022 SAVE THE DATE Celebrate and thank your school principals and deputies for the incredible and valuable work they do this Friday 7 August for Australian Pri...mary Principals Day 2020! This year weve seen, perhaps more clearly than ever, the capacity and calibre of our principals as they stepped up to the challenges of leadership through COVID-19. We encourage schools across WA to acknowledge their contribution to their respective schools, staff members, students, and wider community. #PrincipalsDay2020 See more
18.01.2022 Dont forget to book! We are taking registrations for Financial Management Training for primary schools and high schools in the school holidays. Email [email protected] to register. For more info including training fee, visit our website https://www.waschoolcanteens.org.au/trai/training-schedule/
18.01.2022 We are having some problems with the WACSSO website and are currently trying to address the issue to get the website back up and running. If you have any inquiries please don't hesitate to call the WACSSO office on 9264 4000 or email [email protected]. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.
18.01.2022 WACSSO recommends P&Cs who operate canteens or are looking to start a canteen to get involved with WASCA's Financial Management Training and Networking lunch. These are taking place in early October and offer a great learning opportunity for your school canteen.
18.01.2022 It's R U OK?Day, a reminder that every day is a day to start a conversation that could change a life. Today we're calling on Australians to learn what to say af...ter R U OK? so they can keep the conversation going when someone says they're not OK. There's more to say after R U OK? Learn what to say when listening with an open mind Learn what to say when encouraging action Learn what to say when checking in Learn how to continue a conversation that could change a life. When we know what to say next we can help someone open up and find pathways to support long before they're in crisis. Learn what to say next and help us move closer to our vision of a world where we're all connected and are protected from suicide. Head to www.ruok.org.au/how-to-ask
17.01.2022 Today is Primary Principals Day! Thank you to all Primary School Principals throughout Western Australia. WACSSO would like to highlight our appreciation of the collaborations Principals make with P&Cs and parents, which are so crucial in forming a strong school community.
17.01.2022 YOU WENT ABOVE AND BEYOND Thank you to our schools and community for your response to COVID-19, and for continuing to work together to ensure our students ...are always supported. We will be showcasing the extraordinary, innovative and creative ways you went #AboveAndBeyondWA - so keep an eye out on our socials! Got something to share? PM or Tag us in! See more
16.01.2022 CONGRATULATIONS YOU MADE IT! ATAR exams are done and dusted for 2020! Congratulations to our hard working Year 12 students who sat the ATAR exams in such... a difficult year Thanks to School Curriculum and Standards Authority, school staff, teachers and parents who supported and motivated their students in a year like no other #edunews #ATARexams See more
16.01.2022 Great tips for parents to help children be safe online from Constable Care.
16.01.2022 Congratulations Kylie Catto on receiving WACSSO Life Membership!
16.01.2022 SCHOOL LEAVERS The countdown is on for school leavers 2020! Leavers heading to the South West to celebrate need to download the Leavers WA app and register ...their details before purchasing a wristband. The app will also give you all the latest info on events, getting around and tips to stay safe. All accommodation is fully booked and Western Australia Police Force will be conducting regular checks for anyone sleeping in cars. Visit Leavers WA for more info: http://spr.ly/6184H1CMr See more
15.01.2022 Were excited to announce our upcoming AGM All members are invited! Join us at the new Bob Hawke College. For more details: https://bit.ly/WASCA2020AGM To RSVP phone 9264 4999 or email [email protected]
14.01.2022 A HUGE thank you to WASCA for catering at last weekend's (virtual) WACSSO Annual Conference and for delivering an awesome online workshop!
14.01.2022 Our 'Experience of COVID-19 from a P&C's and parent's perspective' survey closes soon! Don't miss out on the opportunity to provide feedback on your experiences as a parent in relation to your childrens education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your responses will provide valuable feedback as we engage with our education stakeholders in recovery and moving forward to a new normal. Survey closes 24/07/2020.... Click the link to complete the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8TGGMTV
13.01.2022 WACSSO have now sent out the 2020 WACSSO Annual Conference 'Connecting to Zoom' instructions and 'Voting using Election Planner' instructions. These instructions will give delegates all the information they need about connecting and engaging at this year's virtual conference. If you have registered for Annual Conference, but have not received these instructions, please contact:... Connecting to Zoom instructions: [email protected] Voting using Election Planner instructions: [email protected]
13.01.2022 Have your say! WACSSO receives a lot of feedback about the education issues that families with children with disabilities face. The '2020 Review - Disability Standards for Education 2005' gives parents and careers the opportunity to share their experiences and comment on a range of issues. If you wish to contribute to the review you will have the option of submitting a written submission or you can complete the questionnaire which takes approximately 30-minutes.... For more information, visit the link: https://disabilitystandardsreview.education.gov.au/
13.01.2022 Tell us what your P&C has contributed in 2020! We have emailed the 2020 P&C Contributions Survey to all P&C secretaries. This survey helps us understand all that P&Cs contribute to their communities, allowing us to provide strong representation for parents and carers to stakeholders in public education. We understand that some secretary contact details we have may not be up to date, if your P&C secretary did not receive the survey please contact [email protected] The survey closes on Sunday 6th of December.
13.01.2022 The 2020 WACSSO Annual Conference is tomorrow! Thank you to everyone who has registered, we can't wait to see and hear from you all tomorrow on Zoom. Conference packs were sent out a few weeks ago and should have arrived by now, however if for some reason you have not received your pack you can access everything you will need on our website at: https://www.wacsso.wa.edu.au/training-ev/wacsso-conference/ ... If you have any questions or are having technical issues on the day, please contact: 0459 514 785.
12.01.2022 Thank you to all parents and carers who contributed to our 'Experiences of COVID-19 from a P&C's and parent's perspective' survey. Your responses have aided us in communicating the experiences of parents with the Department of Education and other stakeholders in public education. Here is a snapshot of some of the responses we received from the survey and some information about what WACSSO has done to assist our affiliates.... To access a pdf version of the survey snapshot, visit: https://www.wacsso.wa.edu.au//1838/covid-19-survey-snapsho
12.01.2022 Check out this environmentally friendly initiative that's also a great fundraising opportunity for P&Cs!
10.01.2022 Tomorrow is R U OK Day! This day of action is about reminding people of the importance of checking in with friends, family and members of your community and asking "Are you OK?". The message for this year is "there's more to say after R U OK". This encourages people to continue the conversation and provide ongoing support when someone says they're not OK.... For more resources and info on how you can get involved, visit: https://www.ruok.org.au/get-involved
08.01.2022 Important information for P&Cs If you haven’t already done so, please complete any outstanding Annual Information Statements (AIS) for the Department of Mining, Industry Regulations and Safety (DMIRS) via AssociationsOnline. This is a requirement of your Incorporation and is should be completed within 6 months from the end of your financial year. Currently there are no fines but DMIRS maybe introducing these soon.... It is not an arduous task. The only information required is: - Confirm your current address - Confirm that your P&C has at least 6 voting (financial) members - Confirm that your purpose is Educational - Confirm whether or not your P&C is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) - Enter your Annual General Meeting (AGM) Date - Enter the Total Revenue for the last financial year (total amount of money received by the Association)
08.01.2022 The National Allergy Strategy (NAS) are looking for feedback from parents and carers. NAS are currently developing standards for the prevention and management of anaphylaxis in schools and childcare, and have created this survey to help gather valuable feedback from parents. The survey closes this Friday (25/09/2020).... For more information and to complete the survey, visit: https://survey.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6xxbswzmoQHPikZ
08.01.2022 We're looking for your feedback! WACSSO are currently working on a submission paper for the 2020 Review of the Disability Standards for Education 2005, and are seeking feedback from parents and carers. Your responses are incredibly valuable, helping us to represent parents and carers on education issues as best we can. The closing date of this survey is the 10th of September, 2020.... https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VQHSVCH
08.01.2022 Check out this awesome resource from Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA). The '10 Ideas To Help Parents Talk Careers With Their Teens' resource is packed with a variety of extremely helpful career coaching information for parents. To access the resource, visit the link: https://cciwa.com//0220-10-Tips-for-Parents-Booklet-Update
07.01.2022 Check out this exciting new app for parents from Telethon Kids Institute! The app is called Beacon and it has just been launched by the Telethon Kids Institute and Bankwest. Beacon provides the most trusted and up-to-date... information that you and your family will need to navigate the ever-changing online world, ensuring your children are safe online. WACSSO recommends that parents and carers download the app, as it's a great parenting tool to help you address cyber-safety issues. For more information and to download the app, visit: https://beacon.telethonkids.org.au/
07.01.2022 Please contact the WACSSO office on 9264 4000 for more information about how to connect and engage at this this year's Annual Conference.
06.01.2022 WACSSO have a range of interesting webinars/workshops coming up in the next few weeks. These include webinars from a variety of different experts in areas relating to P&C operations, and classic WACSSO training webinars. For more information or to sign up, visit: https://www.trybooking.com/eventlist/wacsso
06.01.2022 Welcome back to school for Term 3, we know it's going to be a good one . Here are some Term 3 canteen tips from our partners at the WA School Canteen Association Inc. to help your school canteen start this term right.
06.01.2022 We want our amazing P&Cs to help celebrate 100 Years of WACSSO! Over the next year as a part of the countdown to WACSSO's 100th birthday, we will be sharing photos and stories from our 100 years of representing P&Cs and parents in public education. We want to encourage P&Cs to do the same by looking back and sharing notable events in your P&C's history on social media and with WACSSO so we can share the awesome achievements of P&Cs. To get things started, here is a short vide...o showing some photos from WACSSO's history. #100YearsofWACSSO
06.01.2022 LETS CREATE AN AUSTRALIA WHERE ALL CHILDREN CAN THRIVE! Today we launch the Creating An Australia Where All Children Can Thrive campaign and we need YOUR he...lp as individuals, organisations and child advocates to change how our society values children. As Australians, we may think that we value children but a population that reports high levels of child abuse, poverty, obesity, trauma, suicide, youth unemployment, and children that are not developmentally ready to start school - IS NOT A POPULATION THAT VALUES CHILDREN. The campaign intends to bring the Australian Governments and public to light on some of the horrifying statistics around childrens wellbeing in Australia and to highlight the URGENCY FOR CHANGE. - Children NEED to be at the forefront of our minds in everyday decision making -We NEED to change the attitudes our society has towards children and young people, and push for an Australia where children have a voice, are listened to, feel safe, and can grow. Supported by sector leaders WACOSS, The Children's Collective and funded by Centrecare, this campaign strives to get individuals and the greater community involved. #Joinus - READ & SHARE our campaign and social media tiles to help us Create An Australia Where All Children Can Thrive! #valuingchildren http://valuingchildreninitiative.com.au/creating-an-austra/
06.01.2022 Recent changes to JobKeeper mean that more employees can qualify if they were employed at 1 July 2020 or are considered a long-term casual at that date. Employers have until 31st August to ensure ALL their eligible employees are paid the minimum of $1500 per fortnight to claim August JobKeeper. Please go to www.ato.gov.au/general/JobKeeper-Payment/ to see how these changes may impact your P&Cs JobKeeper claim, or contact your accountant or BAS agent for specific advice.
05.01.2022 Don't miss out on the informative webinar we've got planned for next Tuesday the 8th of September! Dr Megan Paull, senior Lecturer at Murdoch university and foremost expert on volunteering in WA will be presenting the 'Working towards a common goal - volunteer interactions' webinar. During this webinar Dr Paull will cover issues and techniques relating to volunteering, using P&C case studies to address these topics. This is an amazing learning opportunity for all P&C members. For more information and to register, visit: https://www.trybooking.com/book/event?eid=645929
04.01.2022 To all our affiliates, the WACSSO office will be closed today (Monday 17/08/20) Please leave a message or email us if you wish to get in touch with WACSSO staff and we will respond as soon as possible. Thank you for your consideration.
04.01.2022 Are you wondering how and when to talk to your child about alcohol, or what they do online? Supporting Family Conversations is a Healthway funded project run by Telethon Kids Institute. The website has been designed to meet parents’ and schools’ information needs by providing useful tips on talking with children about alcohol and online safety: https://supportingfamilyconversations.com.au/
02.01.2022 Lights, camera, almost action! We're all ready for Annual Conference and can't wait to see all our lovely affiliates and invited guests. The Conference (virtual) waiting room is open from 9:00am with Annual Conference starting at 10:00am.... See you there!
01.01.2022 Today is National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Childrens Day. Today is about celebrating and acknowledging the strengths and cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. It gives us all the opportunity to show our support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, as well as learn about the crucial impact that culture, family and community play in the life of every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child. #NATSIChildrensday2020 #EldersOfTomorrow #StrongInCulture
01.01.2022 WACSSO: Representing P&Cs in WA 2020 Conference COVID style... more than 100 delegates attending via Zoom. Delighted to thank hard working P & C members for th...eir support for public schools. New President Pania Turner leading the delegates thru the technology. Proud to present Immediate Past President Kylie Catto with a Life Membership, Premier also joined us via a video recognising her 19 years of service. #PublicEducationIsStrong #ParentEngagementMakesADifference See more
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