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Wendy Jacobs

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25.01.2022 The Purpose Of Life " What is the Purpose of Life" ? A question I have asked myself over and over throughout my journey many times....Continue reading

24.01.2022 HOW TO CONNECT WITH YOUR CHILD Last week I wrote a blog that spoke about the emotional challenges of our children. I promised that over the next few weeks I would write a series of articles that would help parents deeply connect and cultivate a loving relationship with their children so that you may help them through some of the most challenging times in their lives. ...Continue reading

22.01.2022 Our children are calling us to wake up, to be concious and experience oneness with them. Through this process we will begin to awaken to what we have disowned within ourselves. We will start to wake up to what we have been told is not good, not right, not acceptable and we will learn to have fresh eyes and ears. We will learn a new perspective and understanding.... Children can be a powerful pathway to awakening if you choose to step into their shoes. The time in history when parenting has been about dominance, control and manipulation is coming to an end. It has been an emotional darkage and we have suffered long enough for it. Our emotions, the emotions of our children are our guidance system and we are being called to listen, to learn, to understand and to unite. We are being called to practice oneness. We are being called to be concious and we are being called to Love. The process of awakening is not always easy, pleasant or feel good. It is an awakening that will reveal all the barriers WE have to love, love of ourselves and love of others. Our role as Parents is NOT to mould our children into whatever WE DESIRE or from FEAR of whatever shortcomings WE believe conciously or unconsciously we have. Our role as Parents is to nurture the unfolding of who they are. Children come with their own unique expression. We all have a unique expression and it is our life journey to discover what that is. The beauty is, when we parent through the practice of concious love, understanding and unity we will come to know who We are authentically aswell.

20.01.2022 Please Parents STOP doing This !! Stop Abandoning your children when they need you most. I am not talking about physical abandonment only, I am talking about emotional and energetic abandonment. The stuff we cant see but we can ceratinly feel.... Sometimes as Parents we feel as though we really cant DO anything to help our child, this is a LIE. What your child needs is to feel is that you will never leave. Again, I am not only talking about physical abandonment only here. I am talking about emotional abandonment too, Im talking about energetically checking out, when it all seems to hard, when it gets too unconfortable, when you want to run away because you dont want to FEEL what your child is bringing to you. Im talking about the feeling of, this is too hard for Mum and Dad to hear, that children carry with them and it breaks my heart I want to share something with you, your child NEEDS you. And you may or may not be aware of what that NEED is so I am going to share it with you. They need your unconditional PRESENCE. They need you to STOP and litterally learn to step out of your own shoes, out of your own perspective, out of your own reality and completely surrender it for a moment. Leave it at the door! Thats means you need to litterally learn to leave yourself at the door for a moment and learn to Step into the perspective of your child. You need to learn to energetically merge with them, become one with them. Choose for a moment to complelty surrender yourself and See, Hear, Feel, and Understand their reality complelty, through THEIR eyes. This will be a feeling of UNITY, there is no separation here You are choosing to be one with your child and from this space your child feels your PRESSENCE. They feel heard, they feel felt, they feel understood, protected and LOVED for WHO they are. This is the fertile ground required for Unity, Oneness, Connection, Love and understanding that every parent and child yearns for. This is my wish for you so please take what you have read and apply it Today and everyday This is a practice more than a concept. This practice WILL shift the quality of the relationship you have with your child and this is my gift to YOU today use it. As always live consciously and filled with love

19.01.2022 HOW DO WE CREATE A WORLD THAT REFLECTS THE HEART RATHER THAN SHATTERS IT? The temptation to become frantic does not attract solutions, but rather hinders them. There is nothing in this energy that invites help from others, nor will it create the clarity to think through what to do next.... However, when your my mind is still, focused, clear and at peace the solutions will appear. Trust. Do not be afraid to slow down. When we are at the effect of the problem, we become part of the problem. When we are centered within, we become part of the solution. When things in the world are troubling, resist the temptation to join the chaos. Istead take time to sit with it until you feel your peace naturally arise. The only way to gain clarity in a world that is moving too fast is to slow down. The only way to spread your influence wide is to learn to go deep. The world we want for ourselves and our children will not emerge from speed and chaos but rather from the stillness that takes root in our souls. Then, and only then, will we create a world that reflects the heart instead of shattering it.

19.01.2022 We are in this together. So lets do this together. Fear has a way of making us see each other as seperate, this is the recipe for disaster. ... The only way out of any situation is together. Please take the time to check on those you love, to see how they are feeling and to ask if there is anything you can do to help. When we act from a space of unity and connection, we create feelings of safety and comfort to those we interact with. From this space fear is dissolved, and the grounds for love is fertile. Please recognise the power you have during this uncertain time to create, peace, love, unity, comfort and peace of mind. Come together with those you love and ask for what you need, give what you can, make unity your highest intention. As always live consciously and filled with love x

19.01.2022 SELF LOVE IS A PRACTICE SELF LOVE IS NOT SOMETHING WE DO ONCE AND IT IS ACCOMPLISHED. SELF LOVE IS APRACTICE THAT REQUIRES COMMITMENT BEFORE IT BECOMES A WAY OF LIFE ... LOVE YOURSELF ENOUGH TO SAY NO Many of us feel that it is not possible for us to have love and say and NO at the same time. For many of us saying No is really really really hard!!! We fear that saying No means that people will reject us. We fear that we will lose opportunities. We fear being alienated. We fear confrontation and conflict. We fear that we will be seen as rude. We fear being seen as self-fish. When we say YES when we really mean NO we end up living lives that are completely inauthentic. We end up living our life for others and not ourselves. We end up violating our own boundaries, values, dreams and desires. This takes its toll and we end up miserable, depressed, anxious. We have trouble saying NO because we want to be loved. We believe that in order to be loved we have to please others, to the detriment of our own desires. To learn to say YES to YOU, your dreams, your desires, your, happiness, you have to learn to say NO to other people. This means you have to make YOU a priority in your life. If you are in the habit of people pleasing, saying YES when you really mean No, it will be hard for you to say No at first , but it is my promise that with practice you will get better. SELF-LOVE is a practice and saying No is one thing you will need to learn on your journey. One way to begin the practice of saying NO is to delay your answer. Practice saying "Let me think about it", then take time and think before you answer. You do not need to offer an explanation to someone as to why you are saying no. If you do want to offer an explanation make your reason about yourself, about the way you feel. Involve family and friends that you trust and have your best interest in mind if you have a difficult time making decisions. They can be help guide you listen to your inner self before you make a decision. Learning to say NO is essential if you are going to lead and authentic life that makes YOU happy. The need to take care of yourself and the desire to be happy are valid reasons to say NO to something or someone. This is an act of self-love and authenticity. Self love is the greatest practice you will ever learn, when you have it , you will have happiness.

19.01.2022 WHAT IS AUTHENTICITY AND HOW DID WE LOOSE IT? From the moment we are born we are hard wired for connection our survival is dependent on it, our survival is dependant on our care takers loving us and meeting our needs so that we survive. We learn very early in life that there are things we can do to get love and connection and there are things we can do that will assure that we wont. This poses as a huge threat to our authenticity, in a world dependant on connectedness ap...Continue reading

19.01.2022 PLEASE UNDERSTAND Last week I wrote an article that explained How to develop a deep, loving and trusting relationship with your child. In that same article I also explained that to love someone is to take that person as part of yourself. To take someone as part of yourself, you have to see them, feel them, hear them, and by doing this you will understand them. We spend much of our time as parents trying to figure out how to make our child happy. Many parents want to love ...their children in a way that their children can really feel that love, but unfortunately many parents do not know how. To love your child, in fact to love anyone in a way that they really feel loved, you must understand them. For this reason I am going to suggest that if you are struggling in your relationship with your child, for this week I would like you to stop trying to love them and start trying to understand them instead and then notice what happens. When you understand someone, you know that person on a mental, emotional and physical level. The best part about this is, that now your relationship with your child is no longer a guessing game. You dont have to guess what he or she needs and wants and whats best for him or her. Often we dont take the time to really understand and know our children. We have often modelled our parenting styles based on what we have learnt from our parents, books and society. Often we are in a relationship with the idea of who our child is rather than the actuality of who they are. Establishing a parent /child relationship for many is often a highly unconscious process and this often spells for DISASTER. When we do not understand our children we could be doing all the wrong things for them, thinking that they are the right things for them. As a result our child is miserable and doesnt feel loved and we dont understand why. So where do we start , I am going to suggest that you start by immersing yourself completely in child. Get to know their internal world, their interests, their desires, their fears, become an expert on them. Get to know them not the idea of them. Feel into them, see into them, listen to them, understand them, become focused on knowing them and when you do, loving them will be easy. You will know them to the degree that you will know exactly what is in their best interest. You will know exactly how to love them but more importantly how to love them in a way where they really feel it. My Blog this week is short and sweet BUT massively impactful should you choose to apply what I have shared. This week, Stop trying to Love and Learn to understand instead. As always Live consciously and filled with LOVE xxx

15.01.2022 THE PERFECT WAY TO RUIN A RELATIONSHIP "I win, you loose" When we play the game of, " I win , you loose" in relationships , we are entering a danger zone and trust will be lost. ... " I win and you loose", happens when we do not feel considered in a relationship. When there is no alignment but rather the experience of, " I get my way and you dont". Trust is lost when we play the game of , "I win and you loose", because we can no longer rely on the other to have our best interests at heart. "I win, you loose" does not allow for any accommodation in relationships, this means that there is no consideration for the needs and desires of the other and this equals relationship disaster. " I win , you loose", will never be ok in relationships. What will happen is that you will be seen as an enemy rather than an ally. People who play, "I win, you loose" in relationships, often dont realise they are doing it. What is worse, is that many will use all kinds of tools, techniques, beliefs and justifications to give themselves permission to behave this way in relationships. Whenever we there is a mis-understanding, conflict or tension in a relationship we must deal with it in such a way that creates unity with the person we are in relationship with. Otherwise the relationship will suffer, it will suffer because we have NOT created alignment with the other. Rather have pushed our way through, like a bulldozer with no consideration for the needs, wants and desires of the person we are in relationship with. This equals relationship disaster, this equals hurt, this equals distrust. It is painful not to be considered, heard, validated and accomodated for in relationships. So, we must practice alignment, we must practice understanding and we must practice getting on the same page as the people we are in relationship with. If we want to have good feeling relationships, relationships based on love, trust and awareness we must STOP living with an attitude of, "I win and you loose" instead we must practice listening, understanding and getting on the same page. From this space we are more likely to come to a solution of, "I win and you win" . As always live conciously and filled with love xxx

15.01.2022 BROKEN AND BEAUTIFUL I know Im Superwoman I know Im strong... I know Ive got this cause Ive had it all along Im phenomenal and Im enough I dont need you to tell me who to be Can someone just hold me? Dont fix me, dont try to change a thing Can someone just know me? Cause underneath, Im broken and its beautiful. - Kelly Clarkeson

13.01.2022 Our children are a gift that will always mirror exactly our childhood wounding. This sacred relationship gives us the opportunity to become aware our wounds and as a result we are given an opportunity to integrate and reclaim all of who we are. Having a child gives us the opportunity to parent the inner child within ourselves externally through our children....Continue reading

13.01.2022 I just went and put petrol in my car. behind the counter was a heavily pregnant woman. I asked how many weeks she was and how she was feeling.... She said good but stressed with everything that is going on. I encouraged her to take good care of herself and left realising it is a time to be extra kind, so many people are feeling stressed. Our kindness can make the biggest difference in the smallest way A smile The gentleness in your tone, A loving enquiry into the well being of your loved ones. Be KIND Your KINDNESS is needed by so many especially YOU. BE especailly KIND to YOU today Forget what you think what NEEDS to be done and prioritise what makes YOU feel good It may be a walk, a movie, some baking, or pottering, texting love ones Self care is essential at this time Take care of yourself, so that your KINDNESS can flow to those who need it As always live consciously and filled with love x

13.01.2022 Its ok to feel what you feel, we all have emotions. Some of these feel good and others dont and that is ok. What we need to do is learn to listen to our emotions....Continue reading

13.01.2022 In the last couple of weeks I have recieved numerous requests from parents for help with their children and as result of this I have done something I have never done before. I have encouraged them to attend with their child as I facilitate the parent in seeing the child as a mirror for healing and integration. The outcome will be unity between parent and child rather than separation. What I am revealing in this process to the parent is their abandoned selves which is what ...they are attempting to push away and change as it shows up in the projection of their child. My goal is to encourage closeness, understanding, safety, and as a result authentic relationship between parent and child. I am teaching that the old paradigm for paranting is essentially what leads to so much dysfunction and the gift of parenting when done consciously allows us to find ourselves, to integrate what we have disowned, which is the true pain we are experiencing when it comes to parenting. The goal is for both parent and child to become more whole, rather than fall into dysfunctional patterns of inauthentic relationship with self and others which is causing the separation and pain currently being experienced in the parent/child relationship and if we are to be honest and self aware the pain we are experiencing within ourselves. As always live consciously and filled with love

13.01.2022 WHY ARE OUR CHILDREN FEELING THIS WAY? There has been a bit of a shift in my practice this year, one I have observed with curiosty. For some reason I was attracting more and more teeneage and young adult clients. I was receiving phone calls and emails from distressed parents, scared that their children maybe depressed or suicidal. For any parent this must be one of the scariest moments of their lives. ...Continue reading

10.01.2022 Some families can only feel closeness and connectedness when toxic dynamics are being played out. Lets awaken and break these patterns. Easier said than done , in an awakened world this would mean taking responsibility for what you are doing, it would mean to become concious, it would mean to integrate your shadow, it would mean to love, or at least to understand, to demonstrate compassion and act from this space. I watched Bren Brown speak last night and she made a dist...inction about vulnerability I must have missed until now, she said not every one deserves to hear your story. Your story is a privilege. Vulnerability can be hard, it is the path way to th true connectedness but be careful with who you choose to be vulnerable. I think Teal says is perfectly here when she says " this where it can go terribly wrong... when families need such toxic dynamics to exist in order to feel connected to one another. It makes sense connection is our primary human need , there is nothing in the world that we need more than connection and belonging. When this is lost as we often see humans will stop eating and drinking. We need to belong for the sake of our survival. Its as simple as that. The cruelty for so many of us is that we dont belong in the very place we beleive we should. This can feel like death. If this is you, then know that there is some place where you belong and it might not be where you have been looking. Bren also says that the opposite of belonging is fitting in. Wow! For me this was profound. You were not born to fit in, you were born to belong. Know that there are others just like you out there yearning to be seen, to be heard and to be felt for exactly who they are. Gravitate to what and who makes you feel good , you deserve that. This journey we call life can be hard, really hard people will hurt us. People will abandon us but you will heal, take baby steps every day. Every step matters be vulnerable with those you can trust, stay away from those who hurt you. You are too precious to be treated like anything other than Gold. You matter, what you feel matters, what you want matters, who you are matters, you deserve to be loved, to be heard to be understood , you deserve compassion and true belonging. You deserve TRUE LOVE.

09.01.2022 WHAT DO I TEACH MY CHILD ABOUT JEALOUSY? Jealousy is a normal feeling. There will be times in your life where you will feel jealous, and that is ok. ...Continue reading

09.01.2022 Pay attention to what you feel drawn too. For me it has been the desire to visit a lavender field. I found that quiet curious and on my walk this morning I noticed many lavender clusters , and I was drawn, I moved closer. ... What is it that the lavender radiates... clamness listen deeply you are always being guided. What you desire is right here just listen and you will be guided. Listen to your needs and meet them. You can not operate from an empty cup, you cannot serve others from an empty cup. This is my message to you today As always live consciously and filled with love

07.01.2022 Dear Daughter I dont need you to Behave or Wear a Mask. Be You, the Real You, Authentically You.... Commuincate the truth of who you are, what you feel, what you want, what you need. Here I will come to know you , understand you, the true you, the depth of you, all of you. And you can come to know that you will always be loved for who you are, the way you are, Authentically you - Wendy Jacobs

07.01.2022 My challenge to Parents I get asked Why is my child...Continue reading

07.01.2022 Who we ourselves become, how we grow and change and face the challenges of our own lives, is intimately and causally connected to how the world will change over the next few years. For the world is a projection of our individual psyches , collected on a global screen; it is hurt or healed by every thought we think. To whatever extent I refuse to face the deeper issues that hold me back , to that extent the world will be held back. And to whatever extent I find the miraculous key to the transformation of my own life, to that extent I will help change the world. - Marianne Williamson Yes read that a few times and let it sink in.

07.01.2022 I just went and put petrol in my car. behind the counter was a heavily pregnant woman. I asked how many weeks she was and how she was feeling.... She said good but stressed with everything that is going on. I encouraged her to take good care of herself and left realising it is a time to be extra kind, so many people are feeling stressed. Our kindness can make the biggest difference in the smallest way A smile The gentleness in your tone, A loving enquiry into the well being of your loved ones. Be KIND Your KINDNESS is needed by so many especially YOU. BE especailly KIND to YOU today Forget what you think what NEEDS to be done and prioritise what makes YOU feel good It may be a walk, a movie, some baking, or pottering, texting love ones Self care is essential at this time Take care of yourself, so that your KINDNESS can flow to those who need it As always live consciously and filled with love x

06.01.2022 Last week I did a self awareness exercise and asked to people closest to me what they thought I was excellent at. Reading there responses warmed my heart and lifted my day. My favorite response articulated in just one word was from my Dad, he said, mothering. It reminded me of a comment a friend made to me years ago while I was still at Uni she said , Wendy, why are you here everyone knows that you are just going to get married and have kids anyway, At the time I r...emember having mixed feelings about this comment because I knew it was somwhat true and what I always wanted. But today when my Dad made this observation among the many others I read from friends and colleagues. I realised for the first time that mothering is what I do in my profession too. I found a way to do and share what was obvious to myself and so many others on a platform I get to call work. I love what I do, it fills my heart and mind and continues to challenge me every day. I encourage you to find your excellence and all the many ways you can share and experience that in your life

06.01.2022 Anger is a normal function of our emotional health. If we are angry chances are that our boundaries are being violated or there is a threat that our boundaries are going to be violated. For this reason alone Anger is a very useful emotion to pay attention to. We must listen to our anger.... Understand our anger. Validate our anger. So that we can come up with solutions that will help take us to a more empowering place. If we are angry it simply means that we feel under threat. This can be an emotional, physical, or even a psychological threat. Anger is signalling us toward something important and it is our job to listen without judgment so that we can understand our anger and find solutions for ourselves. When a child is raised to beleive that anger is wrong this child is likely to suppress and disown their anger, this is a problem seeing that anger alerts us to threat. When a child is raised to believe that anger is bad, this child learns that to be angry is bad so if they are angry then they must be bad. In an attempt to be good this child learns to suppress a a very important emotion that is inbuilt for our survival. This child judges and suppresses their anger, they learn to tune it out and as a result they tune out to some very important messages that are being sent to them via their emotions. As parents we need to start looking at emotions differently so that we can understand their function. When we do this we will learn to parent differently, we will start to parent in a way that allows our children to be authentic. When our children learn to be authentic they will come to know who they are, they will come to know their value and their worth , they will come to know that they are loved for who they are and as a result they will love who they are . When we reach this level of awareness we will see a decline in depression, anxiety, addiction, abuse and dysfunctional relationships just to name a few. We will start to see is an increase in authenticity, self acceptance, genuine love, and true expression. For those of you reading this post please understand that anger is not a bad emotion. Ask your children why they are feeling angry, listen and understand through their perspective , that means through their eyes not yours. Listen, understand and validate, only then through your genuine understanding can you help them move past their anger to a more empowering feeling that brings joy to their lives As always live conciously and filled with love

05.01.2022 What do you need my love ? Just tell me. Maybe you don't know what it is. ... Maybe you are just feeling out of sorts. Angry, frustrated , fearful and uncertain. Maybe you don't even know what you need. This is the time to get to know yourself intimately and to let yourself be known by others. Ask yourself, what to I need. The answer is there. Listen deeply. Honour yourself by meeting the need. Honour yourself by asking for what you need. Honour those you love by treating them as if they were you. Ask them what they need and what you can do. Encourage a safe space for deep sharing and authenticity. Be present and hold space, everything that is being experienced is valid. Then as the deepest act of SELF LOVE and LOVE for others meet the need. This is not the time to hide. Not the time to get angry. Not the time to act out or put your head in the sand. We are all here for you every step of the way. Just ask Don't buy into the beleif that you can do it all on your own it was the biggest lie you were ever told. We are human We NEED each other We are inter-dependent, a pact This is how we not only survive but THRIVE Without each other we die, we perish, we dissolve Let your self be seen in the fullness of who you are and know that you will always be Loved for U This is not the time for retreat and isolation. This is the time for deep sharing and authenticity. This is the time to come to know you, your needs and your tribe. This is the time to come to know those who love you more deeply than you ever have. This is the time to know that some things we can do on our own and somethings we have to ask for. This is the time for UNITY I love you Tell me what you need I am listening As always live consciously and filled with love

05.01.2022 The purpose of relationships if you choose , is to wake you the fuck up! The purpose of relationships is to bring your attention to those things you did not know, your wounds, your shadows, your desires and truths. This is the true purpose of relationships not the fluffy, forever after, I have butterflies and this person will make me happy forever crap we have been force fed for years.... Its time to wake up, to shift, to become conscious and unified. It is in this unification that we become, whole and true, we become authentic, become self aware. Not a fluffy, butterfly filled experience for sure but definitely one that we wake you up to your truth. And why is this awakening so precious? I mean why even put yourself through this hell? Because my darlings this is where your flow is, this is where your true desires manifest , this is where you move from stuck to momentum. Why else??? Because here is where you will find the truth of who you are , if you dare! What am I talking about? Manifestation? Manifesting your true desires? What does that even mean? I will tell you what it doesnt mean. Its not positive thinking and affirmations like you may have been lead to believe, it not vision boards and mantras. There is one answer and one answer only , it is facing your resistance. Turning straight into the eye of the needle and going straight into what you are resisting, thats it . This is where the shift happens. Stay tuned Im on fire , so much more to be said. Have a gorgeous evening peeps. As always live consciously and filled with love and where you cant love then aim for understanding, because it is only here that you will experience this unification, it is only here that you can come close enough to see, feel, hear and understand the perspective of other enough to understand. And my dears I promise that when you come close enough you will understand and it is here in this pace of understanding that you can begin to resolve the war that exists both internally and externally.

05.01.2022 Pay attention to what you feel drawn too. For me it has been the desire to visit a lavender field. I found that quiet curious and on my walk this morning I noticed many lavender clusters , and I was drawn, I moved closer. ... What is it that the lavender radiates... clamness listen deeply you are always being guided. What you desire is right here just listen and you will be guided. Listen to your needs and meet them. You can not operate from an empty cup, you cannot serve others from an empty cup. This is my message to you today As always live consciously and filled with love

04.01.2022 What do you need my love ? Just tell me. Maybe you dont know what it is. ... Maybe you are just feeling out of sorts. Angry, frustrated , fearful and uncertain. Maybe you dont even know what you need. This is the time to get to know yourself intimately and to let yourself be known by others. Ask yourself, what to I need. The answer is there. Listen deeply. Honour yourself by meeting the need. Honour yourself by asking for what you need. Honour those you love by treating them as if they were you. Ask them what they need and what you can do. Encourage a safe space for deep sharing and authenticity. Be present and hold space, everything that is being experienced is valid. Then as the deepest act of SELF LOVE and LOVE for others meet the need. This is not the time to hide. Not the time to get angry. Not the time to act out or put your head in the sand. We are all here for you every step of the way. Just ask Dont buy into the beleif that you can do it all on your own it was the biggest lie you were ever told. We are human We NEED each other We are inter-dependent, a pact This is how we not only survive but THRIVE Without each other we die, we perish, we dissolve Let your self be seen in the fullness of who you are and know that you will always be Loved for U This is not the time for retreat and isolation. This is the time for deep sharing and authenticity. This is the time to come to know you, your needs and your tribe. This is the time to come to know those who love you more deeply than you ever have. This is the time to know that some things we can do on our own and somethings we have to ask for. This is the time for UNITY I love you Tell me what you need I am listening As always live consciously and filled with love

04.01.2022 Our personalities are essentially fake. Our personality is essentially the amalgamation of what kept us safe in childhood, what kept us loved and what helped us feel like we belonged. Our personality is not the truth of who we are, this is the unconsciousness that so many of us are trying to break through, to awaken and discover ourselves.

03.01.2022 Our children are our pathway to our awakening, to our authentic self. They are calling us into relationship with them so that we can be whole, so that we can re-claim and re- integrate what we have abandoned and dis-owned within ourselves. This process of parenting when done consciously is truly awakening.... Not only will you become one with your child, You will become one with yourself. This is the beauty and TRUE gift of parenting


02.01.2022 ISOLATION A TIME FOR CONNECTION Isolation has given us the opportunity to learn how to connect, deeply, authentically, this is a practice that requires conscious effort before it ever becomes an embodiment. We cannot change what we are not aware of and we cannot change what we refuse to look at. Put away the ego for a moment and be curious to learn, to understand, to become aware, awake and unified.... To connect it is absolutely imperative to give your unconditional undivided focussed presence. You are gifting the other with your energy, it is the energetic movement toward. Your body, your spirit is open and inviting you are showing genuine interest. Your desire is to know, understand and relate to the other. When you gift someone with your total presence you are gifting them with the fullness of you. I will never forget the day I felt this for the first time in relationship, sadly this was in adulthood, sadly this is the case for many of us. I didnt know what this was, this feeling, but it was powerful and I felt it in my heart. I felt heard, felt and most importantly understood. I was not met with defence, or response, but deep and generous listening. It was a connection like no other. Of course at the time, I was unaware of what I was experiencing, it felt like love. It was love, love as I have come to learn and redefine for myself as an adult. Love simply put, I now define as the feeling of unity, to see, to feel, to hear and to understand anothers reality so deeply that there is no separation , only the sense of oneness, connection. The feeling I had craved my whole life had finally been realised in this moment. I had experienced love. So, why am I writing this today, because this time more than ever, for so many of us is a time to become conscious, awakened, to unify and choose to consciously love. To come close enough to understand anothers reality. To quite literally leave yourself at the door and step into the shoes of another. NO! not with your shoes on, I said leave them at the door, leave yourself at the door completely, leave your views, your beliefs, your ideals, leave them and for a moment if you dare step into the shoes of another. Step into the shoes of the person you claim to love and come to see, feel, hear and understand their reality so deeply that you cant help but feel their, joy, their pain, their fears, their anguish, their silliness, in this moment you are one, in this moment you are connected. This is the time for connection, for unity, what are you afraid of? Your shoes are there at the door to be collected after you have experienced this magic. As always live consciously and filled with love xxx

02.01.2022 What do you need my love ? Just tell me. Maybe you don't know what it is. ... Maybe you are just feeling out of sorts. Angry, frustrated , fearful and uncertain. Maybe you don't even know what you need. This is the time to get to know yourself intimately and to let yourself be known by others. Ask yourself, what to I need. The answer is there. Listen deeply. Honour yourself by meeting the need. Honour yourself by asking for what you need. Honour those you love by treating them as if they were you. Ask them what they need and what you can do. Encourage a safe space for deep sharing and authenticity. Be present and hold space, everything that is being experienced is valid. Then as the deepest act of SELF LOVE and LOVE for others meet the need. This is not the time to hide. Not the time to get angry. Not the time to act out or put your head in the sand. We are all here for you every step of the way. Just ask Don't buy into the beleif that you can do it all on your own it was the biggest lie you were ever told. We are human We NEED each other We are inter-dependent, a pact This is how we not only survive but THRIVE Without each other we die, we perish, we dissolve Let your self be seen in the fullness of who you are and know that you will always be Loved for U This is not the time for retreat and isolation. This is the time for deep sharing and authenticity. This is the time to come to know you, your needs and your tribe. This is the time to come to know those who love you more deeply than you ever have. This is the time to know that some things we can do on our own and somethings we have to ask for. This is the time for UNITY I love you Tell me what you need I am listening As always live consciously and filled with love

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