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21.01.2022 So, something we’ve noticed more of lately in the property investment landscape, is the growing number of spruikers standing in front of fancy cars, or fancy boats, or wearing tight t-shirts two sizes too small, throwing non-stop motivational quotes and mantras at you, like they’re the Dalai Lama or Gandhi. Well, they’re not. So, whilst it is a great thing to be motivated and to take action to work towards your financial future, please don’t feel pressured or guilted into something by people supposedly living the perfect life due to their secret blueprint or life hacks. If they were so rich, they wouldn’t be trying so hard to sell you something. Look for quality of service and quality of people working for you. Look for product. Look for locale. Look for growth. Look for rental return. Look for longevity. Look for substance. Avoid quick solutions. Avoid amazing secrets that have only been discovered by a particular salesperson. Avoid secret blueprints. Avoid people driving a rich friends Ferrari for the photo shoot, when they most likely live in a regular home like you and I and pay regular bills. And if they normally charge you $500 for an initial consultation, but can suddenly offer it to you for free, then what does that really tell you? Avoid procrastination, but similarly, avoid the fear of missing out created by these people. Embrace facts and authenticity and substance. Choose Action. Just Choose it wisely. And yes, we’d love you to choose Your Property People.

16.01.2022 If your finances are a mixed bag, don't let it stop you from owning your dream home. Looking to speak to an expert? Give me a buzz on 0431 822 304.

15.01.2022 The primary reasons we choose certain geographic areas for our customers to invest are: * that they contain properties at very affordable price points * have low vacancy rates and strong demand by potential tenants... * are booming areas that will facilitate reliable capital growth over the long term One of our partners, Danielle Blench, Property Manager and Licensee of the Blench Property Group, shared this about the rental market in the booming Gold Coast and Brisbane. As you can see, there’s no shortage of prospective tenants willing to pay good money to live in your investment property. Feel free to message us for more details about what we have available for you.

10.01.2022 Property of the week. Our award winning investment property partner, Choice Homes, are about to put one of their display homes on the market this weekend at Pimpama on the Gold Coast. As it was a display home, it has been upsized with special features such as high ceilings, premium appliances, ducted aircon, fold out stacker doors to alfresco, solar panels and more. Choice will continue to use it for the next six months, so you will also have instant tenants! Rental appraisals indicate weekly rental income of $550 per week. Purchase Price is $568k. For further information, please feel free to reach out via message, or call on 0413 001 811. Have a lovely weekend.

05.01.2022 It’s been a tough year as a fan of the Bulldogs. And it’s been a tough year for so many of you during this pandemic. But just as we know that we need to be mindful of the long game, and the accompanying positive changes and results, so too the same premise holds true for a good investment property. Have a great week ahead.

04.01.2022 #13 Luke Thompson, brought to you by Your Property People. Whatever sport or Club you may follow, whatever hobby or interest you may have, whether you will be with family and friends, or on your own. Take care and have a lovely and safe weekend.

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