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Melbourne Martial Arts Clubs in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Sports

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Melbourne Martial Arts Clubs

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 407 542 953

Address: 9 Culverlands St, Heidelberg West 3081 Melbourne, VIC, Australia


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24.01.2022 Great work Ethan and Leo. Participating in there weekly online session with Grand Tuhon Leo Aguilar Gaje in Pekiti Tirsia Kali from Philippines. Looking forward to seeing some live combat training at club next week!

23.01.2022 Term 3 Enrolments Register Now!

20.01.2022 Rattan being ready to be dried for Kali sticks.

19.01.2022 Pekiti-Tirsia Kali is a highly effective close-quarters fighting art indigenous to the Visayan region of the Philippines. ... Pekiti-Tirsia is proven effective in combat and invaluable for preparing Operators of the law enforcement and military community. This style is not a competition based style and only trained for reality based situations. We are fortunate to have instruction under Supremo Grandmaster and Guardian of Pekiti Tirsia Kali, Grand Tuhon Leo T. Gaje Jr. is... a 3-time Hall of Fame awardee, and Weapons Master Instructor across the globe. He has been featured on magazine covers since the 1980s, most recently on the cover of Black Belt Magazine, recognized as Man of the Year 2018. Grand Tuhon received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Martial Arts Supershow in 2019. Grand Tuhon brought Pekiti Tirsia Kali (PTK) to the United States in 1972, and has since then shared his family art with more than 25 countries around the world. His contribution to Close Quarters Combat and Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) community is unsurpassable, making him one of the greatest living legends of our time. PTK is so effective with the use of weaponry and blade technology, that it is sought after by military & law enforcement groups internationally, serving as the only official Filipino fighting system of the Philippines military, U.S. Special Forces, Indian Special Forces, and Austrian Special Forces. Based in the Philippines, Grand Tuhon is the only Authorized Source of Pekiti Tirsia Kali. He continues to teach all around the world, preserving the blade technology, and protecting this indigenous Filipino fighting art that has survived the test of time, from ancient warfare to modern weaponry.

19.01.2022 Always enlightening to train under Grand Tuhon Leo Gaje Jr. Learning the art of Pekiti Tirsia Kali as was taught to him by his father.


15.01.2022 Your location should not stop you from learning an Art!

14.01.2022 Martial Arts Teaches Resilience To Those That Want Resilience! Everyone has and continues to experience life with a pandemic. We have learned to adapt to change which is a great life skill. We have not stood still and waited for this to pass however met the challenges face on. ... The club has used the benefits of this experience to enhance its knowledge and skill set by engaging world champions in providing flexibility in future training methods at the club and remote learning. We have enhanced our training by creating greater flexibility and variety in our training such as Pekiti Tirsia Kali directly by those practitioners that provide the greatest skill set. We have used this opportunity in updating our First Aid training and currently completing delivery of fitness industry standard training. We have gathered information on how this pandemic has and continues to impact everyone’s wellbeing. We continue to develop the skills of our staff and our students! Time does not stop, however if you stop in time you may miss those opportunities! Sensei Remo

14.01.2022 Pekiti Tirsia Kali Filipino Martial Arts Pekiti-Tirsia Kali is a highly effective close-quarters fighting system. It is one of the oldest Martial Arts of the Philippines. Indigenous to the Visayan region; PTK originated within the Negros Occidental province. This fighting science is considered one of the best and most complete Combative Systems today. ... For more than 300 years It was used by Filipino Indios against the ruling Spanish regime. In those times the Filipino Martial Arts were banned, and the carrying of a bladed weapon by Filipinos was strictly prohibited by the Spanish military. If caught, the offender(s) would be imprisoned. In response, the Filipinos replaced the use and carrying of any edged weapons with rattan sticks, and practiced in secrecy, and even hidden it in dance and other performing arts. Hence, this fighting art was kept alive to the present day. Based on tactics and strategies derived from edged weapons, Pekiti-Tirsia Kali is a complete system that incorporates both weapons and empty hands methods. Pekiti-Tirsia is an ancient art that has evolved to stay relevant for modern combat and aggressive self-defense scenarios. Developed for use against single and multiple attackers. Pekiti-Tirsia is proven effective in combat, and is invaluable for preparing Operators of the law enforcement and military community. In the country of origin, Pekiti-Tirsia has become the only system recognized by the Philippine government, as the basis for the official combative programs of their Armed Forces; Including the elite Force-Recon Marine battalion and Philippine National Police.

13.01.2022 Adding variety to our classes like close combat art of Pekiti Tirsia Kali.

12.01.2022 Untouched preserved the way it was taught hundreds of years ago.

09.01.2022 Due to our successful online program we have created an online class booking system which offers classes for Karate, Kali and more. More classes will be offered as they become available. These classes will suit anyone who would like to learn the wonderful arts on offer during lock down and further. To book visit : Please share this post around to assist the great work we are doing to continue as normal life as possible.

07.01.2022 Members hope you are all well during these tough times. We have introduced "Zoom" to the club which allows us to connect to students providing them with virtual training. This will be free service until the situation clears. We shall still be running classes adhering to guidelines until further notice. Access to this service can be found on this link!

05.01.2022 Kali Three Dimensional International (K3D) is a proud heritage of combative innovation based on the fundamental roots of Filipino Kombatan Arnis & linked to the proven functional methodology of Multi Dimensional Warriors (MDW), encompassing all the dimensions of empty hand fighting, impact weapons & edged weapons. K3D teaches you how to function for real & effectively in the shortest time possible. It incorporates proven combatives that have been pressure tested!

05.01.2022 Had the pleasure of doing some one on one training with the Grand Tuhon Leo Gaje from the Phillipines in the art Pekiti Tirsia Kali. Look forward to many more training sessions.

05.01.2022 Kids Sticks Class Saturday 20 June @ 9am on Zoom Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 832 3039 2331 Password: 702179 ******************************************** Adults Sticks Class Saturday 20 June @ 10am on Zoom Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 813 1329 9281 Password: 912695

04.01.2022 Classes for all ages!

04.01.2022 An increase in the use of weapons in our society requires an effective training system to combat these attacks!

04.01.2022 Stuck at home? Always wanted to learn Self Defence? Try our 30min home training package. Two classes per week, online learning material and Virtual Streaming at the comfort of your home. $12.95 per week or $55.00 Month! Phone: 0407 542 953 Book your places now! See more

04.01.2022 Advanced students learning the break and cut drill of the traditional art of Pekiti Tirsia Kali.

03.01.2022 Just a casual chat with Grand Tuhon Supremo Leo Gaje of Pekiti Tirsia Kali.

03.01.2022 Commencing 20 July!

02.01.2022 These students are learning the art of Pekiti Tirsia Kali from Leo Aguilar Gaje (GrandTuhon Manunubli from Philippines. They are putting in some big sessions to learn the reality based training which prepares them against multiple attackers and weapons. Well done Ethan and Leo you are both legends!

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