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Daring Hearts in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service

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Daring Hearts

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


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20.01.2022 If we cant face our losses, we cant be present either fully to everything that is. When people have cut off or not made peace with some part of themselves, they miss out on other aspects of life. Krista Tippett

14.01.2022 Hey there beauties. There are some tough energies around right now including the first quarter moon energy. Requiring us to stay balanced and connected to your heart. Sometimes it’s hard to remember how to get back there. Don’t forget, if you need, you can always reach out to someone who remembers who you are and why you are awesome. Lots of love to you today.

13.01.2022 Doing vs being. I definitely fall into the trap of the doing way too much, I completely forget to simply be, here in this moment. If one of your core beliefs is that you don’t feel like you are good enough, the doing trap is an easy one to fall into. Constantly feeling the need to be better, to do a good enough job. ... But what if, even just for one moment, you could live as if were already enough. What would change. Everything.

06.01.2022 Staying vulnerable is ariskwe have to take if we want to experience connection. Brene Brown

01.01.2022 It’s not hard to get so crazy court up in manifesting your dream life that you forget to live in the present moment and appreciate the richness you already have. Thank you to those people in my life that help me carry my heart strong. You know who you are. I would not be able to have the dreams I have if it wasn’t for the strength of the present moment. But also remember you can’t have your dream life if you don’t have the dream in the first place!... #keepdreamingbutstaypresent #keepdreamingbutstaypresent #balance #waxingcrescent #gratitude

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