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ERup in Rupanyup, Victoria | Community organisation

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Locality: Rupanyup, Victoria

Address: 9 Stewart Street 3388 Rupanyup, VIC, Australia


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22.01.2022 Great to have the Minister visit Rup and see what we are up to with the project.

20.01.2022 RUPANYUP RETAIL HUB DEVELOPMENT REGISTRATION OF INTEREST Suitably qualified Building Contractors are invited to submit a written registration of interest for the construction of a 250m Supermarket and 375m Retail building with associated on-site car parking and landscaping in Cromie Street, Rupanyup.... Tenderers will be selected from Contractors who have lodged a formal registration of interest. For further information please contact the Project Superintendent, Peter Shaw Phone (03) 5426 3133 Mobile 0418 833 557 [email protected] REGISTRATIONS OF INTEREST CLOSE 4:OOpm FRIDAY 27th OCTOBER 2019

20.01.2022 Well done Ruwy and Wendy, thanks for your co-operation in keeping the business running and giving your Rup customers a place to shop.

19.01.2022 We now have a Building Site! A bit of a cleanup by some locals to get it ready.

18.01.2022 RUP SHOPS - FEEDBACK ON YOUR FEEDBACK A big thank you to all those Rup residents who went to the trouble of providing feedback on the layout design options for the new Rup shops. So far there is a clear preference for Option 5, mainly because of the ease of access from front to back, and back to front, and the flexibility we will get from placing the supermarket along the Bendigo Bank side, allowing us to build it first and keep the existing supermarket going. We have got lot...s of good suggestions for design options including moving the amenities block in option 5 to the side, making the car park more user-friendly for larger vehicles with angled parking bays, eliminating trip hazards (curbing) for foot-traffic, utilising the space at the back of the bank for additional parking, and the need for clear, visible signage in Cromie Street to make sure through traffic can see what we will have to offer. Thanks again for your feedback and, for those who haven’t commented yet, you have until close of business on Friday 2 November to drop your comments in the boxes at the Post Office, Tylers or the old Shire Office. E-Rup is hoping to get started soon preparing the site and the first job we have is to remove the 6 large Peppercorn trees. We are hoping to save some of our precious money by doing this ourselves so, if you think you can help with labour and/or equipment, please talk to Adrian Tyler or any of the E-Rup Directors.

17.01.2022 More evidence of proactive approaches in town.

16.01.2022 What Marketing Banner Will Our Supermarket Have? A key issue for E-Rup is to understand the structure of independent supermarket operations in Victoria so we can choose the best branding option for our supermarket. Whilst we have discussed this in general terms at our Board meetings over the course of the project, as we move closer to setting up our new supermarket, it is time to ramp-up our relationship building within the supermarket networks. Wayne Street, our company secr...Continue reading

15.01.2022 Most of you would have noticed that, with Jeff and Wendy finishing up a few days ago, we have a brief period in which the Rup Supermarket is not open for business. Luke and Cassy, who run the IGA in Minyip, will be taking over from Jeff and Wendy in Rup and they are taking a couple of days to set things up and to restock. They expect the shop to re-open this Friday or, at the latest, on Monday (25 January). If these few days without a supermarket will cause you, or someone you know, to run short of supplies please let E-Rup know and we can arrange a run to Minyip to pick up needed items. Please contact Malcolm Uhe on 0438 861 907 if you need this help.

13.01.2022 Thanks Un Mani for the feedback. You presented the Directors with a lot of really good ideas for using waste in the shopping precinct and we are certainly keen to incorporate as many as we can into our planning and operations.

13.01.2022 At Last Some Positive News At long last we are in a position to report some positive news! On 31 July 2020 Onley Holdings Pty Ltd, our contracted builder, lodged an application for Building Permit with the Yarriambiack Shire Council which has now been approved by the Shire’s Building Surveyor. It is unfortunate that it took so long but we have it now and can expect construction to start before the end of this month. Woohoo, this is fantastic news and is a tribute to the persi...stence of everyone involved in the long and arduous journey we have been on. Well done everyone! Another key element the E-Rup Board has been addressing is the management model we would put in place to run the supermarket once it is operational. We explored a number of options and are very pleased to be able to announce that we have signed an agreement with Regional Market Pty Ltd trading as Minyip IGA for it to lease the retail premises and to operate the Rupanyup supermarket business. We see this as being the ideal arrangement for E-Rup and the town. Both Cassie and Luke are doing a great job with the supermarket in Minyip and have a lot of experience in the industry. They are very keen to expand their business footprint in the area and are looking forward to providing a great service to Rup people. I’m sure we’ll all give them our support in their endeavours. Watch this space for further updates as construction starts!

13.01.2022 Work has started on clearing the six very large peppercorn trees on the site of the development. Thanks to Mick Healy, Russell Dunlop, Sonny Johns, Stewie Graham and Adrian Tyler for their effort and expertise.

13.01.2022 Latest news. Now opening Wednesday.

13.01.2022 A set of plans showing the final "layout and look" of the shopping precinct, as well as the first draft landscape plan, is now on display at the E-Rup Business Centre (old Shire Office) at 59 Cromie Street. Feedback and comments welcome.

10.01.2022 Brickies hard at work. Starting to take shape now.

10.01.2022 As promised here is the latest design plan incorporating Tyler's block on the corner.

10.01.2022 Sorry for the lengthy time since we last provided an update on E-Rup activities. You will recall that late last year we circulated 2 draft plans for consideration and comment and that we received a very pleasing level of responses. Overwhelmingly, the majority of respondents favoured the plan that has the new supermarket along the Bendigo Bank wall (meaning it can be built before the current supermarket is demolished), with 3 retail outlets along the opposite side and a space for seating & community activities. Whilst this layout was probably the best use of available space, there were several E-Rup Directors who were not comfortable with the limited space available for the community space and the limited street frontage for the retail outlets. The E-Rup Directors therefore continued to consider our options & we are now very pleased to be able to announce that we have agreed to also purchase the land on the corner of Cromie & Walter Streets which is currently owned by Tylers’ Rural. We see this as a major step for the town and it means that we can significantly expand the area available for a Community space in the shopping precinct and provide a much more prominent, street-fronted retail presence as well. We have commissioned our designer to redraft the layout in this expanded format and hope to have this available for people to see very soon. In November last year we invited 3 companies to tender for the job of Project Manager of the design & construction phases of the development including all site & building works as well as fit-out works for the supermarket. As a result of this process we have appointed Cue Design as our Project Manager. Peter Shaw is the principal of this company which has a very good track record in this field. Some of their recent projects include a retail development in Nagambie, the Police Station in Murtoa and Supermarkets in Heathcote, Corowa & Koroit. We had previously called for volunteers to help remove the peppercorn trees on the block, & we thank those who did put their hands up, but we have decided to postpone this job for the time being. Given the need for shade trees in what will be the parking area for our new shops, we now think that some of the trees could be retained for this purpose. We will wait for the new layout plan to be finalised before deciding which trees will be removed & which can stay for shade.

09.01.2022 Luke and Cassy are waiting for a delivery of stock which now won't be here until tomorrow. Therefore the supermarket will again be closed today 25 January. Fingers crossed for grand opening tomorrow! Let us know if we can help out getting a few items for you if you are running low. 0438 861 907.

08.01.2022 Enterprise Rupanyup - Retail Precinct Update Sorry that it has been such a long time since an update on the retail precinct has been provided. The current Coronavirus situation hasn’t helped but we have still been able to apply considerable effort trying to achieve a worthwhile outcome within the budget we have for the project. We have previously reported that the tender process we went through late last year gave us a fairly rude shock with all tenders received being signifi...cantly higher than the available budget that we have. The reasons for this are not clear but it seems that, apart from general cost increases in the construction industry over the length of the project, it appears that it is more expensive to build in our neck of the woods. We worked on an industry standard for supermarkets of around $3000 per square metre for construction and fit-out but we have found it to be closer to $4000 in the Wimmera/Mallee. All this has led us to the decision that the retail precinct project will have to be approached in three stages: Stage 1: a new supermarket including associated infrastructure of delivery area and carparking; Stage 2: specialty retail stores (up to three); and Stage 3: linking works, community space and piazza. Our budget will cover stage 1 and we will explore how we can access additional capital to complete stages 2 and 3. In this regard there will be scope for community in-kind contribution to achieving stage 3 with the demolition of the current supermarket building and required landscaping works. Since the market failure of our first call for tenders we have worked closely with two local building companies to agree the scope of works that can be achieved within our budget. Although this proved to be a protracted process we are pleased to announce that we have finalised a ‘heads of agreement with Onleys Holding Pty Ltd (Plumbing and Building Contractors) based in Donald to build the supermarket (stage 1) and parts of stage 3. Work is continuing to progress to a final contract as quickly as possible. Revised designs consistent with the reduced scope of works now need to be completed prior to seeking a revised planning permit from the shire and then applying for a building permit. We understand that this process can be speeded up if we apply for both concurrently and this is what we will do. We anticipate that the timeframe could be quite short and note that the contract will provide for construction to start 10 days after the building permit is issued. All going well we expect work to commence sometime in July.

06.01.2022 AGM Report E-Rup recently held its 2018/19 AGM at which the Directors reported on the previous 12 months activity. The year was taken up with continued work on planning, securing funds, design work and appointment of contractors for the retail centre.... After 5 years, and with the greatly appreciated support of the Reichstein Foundation throughout the process, we have finally arrived at the business end of the project with construction, fit out and ongoing operations the next steps. We have now put together the full capital development funds required to make the retail centre a reality - through grants from Regional Development Victoria, Rupanyup Minyip Finance Group, Yarriambiack Shire Council and the Australian Government’s Drought Relief Program - and loan funds from Social Enterprise Finance Australia. The loan funds were the last piece of the puzzle and took a significant amount of work to secure. The total funds available for the project are $1,375,000 but we will try to limit the amount of loan funds we use. We have appointed a design and construction Project Manager (Cue Design) and the principal (Peter Shaw) has been working on the project since January this year. He has organised land surveying, engineering, electrical, geotechnical, master planning and other design works such as landscaping and has lodged the application for planning and building permits with Yarriambiack Shire Council. Work to acquire the several blocks of land involved in the development is almost complete. Now that we have the means to finalise the physical development of the retail centre operational issues are being progressed through close contact with independent supermarket groups Metcash, IGA and Foodworks to help us finalise grocery supplies, product layouts and shelving, staffing, operations and technical support. Design work on the layout and look of the retail centre is complete and we will circulate the final site development plan as well as external elevation drawings soon.

06.01.2022 There continues to be a lot of activity, and here is a quick summary of some recent events: - a call for Expressions of Interest from builders interested in undertaking the building of the shopping precinct was advertised in The Age, Wimmera Mail Times and Wimmera Mallee News/Warracknabeal Herald. So far we have had 4 EOIs (2 from Ballarat companies, 1 from Bendigo and 1 from Melbourne). We expect to send the full tendering package to selected EOI companies in the first week ...of November; - we have achieved the first milestone under our agreement with the State Government and received the first instalment of funding from Regional Development Victoria; - we have decided to join Australian United Retailers (FoodWorks) as an ‘unbannered’ store, meaning that our supermarket won’t be badged as a FoodWorks store. Our Company Secretary has met with the FoodWorks State Operations Manager on two occasions and will submit the required membership forms later in October; - the draft landscaping plan has been completed and circulated to Directors for review and comment prior to our next meeting in early December. The plan is available for public viewing at the E-Rup Business Centre (see previous post); and - we are in the process of applying for a Liquor License for the supermarket.

05.01.2022 Here are the latest plans - first draft of the landscape plan, external elevations (what the precinct will look like), and the layout. feedback/comments are welcome.

05.01.2022 Safe affordable housing is one of many attractions to living in a rural area. The key to growing our population & sustaining our infrastructure is more families... living in our beautiful town. Currently our Migration team are working on developing more housing options to accommodate newcomers & we are interested to hear your thoughts & suggestions. What houses are available for rent in Rupanyup? Are you a developer interested investing money into the rural rental market? Do you have a empty room in your house that would be perfect for a temporary boarder? We would love to hear from you, so please contact us by private message or [email protected]. #workingtogether #embracingdiversity

04.01.2022 Building site now shut down for Christmas and New Year. Crew will be back working on Monday 11 January.

04.01.2022 E-Rup Applies For Planning Permit On 9 July 2019 CueDesign, on behalf of Enterprise Rupanyup Ltd, lodged a Town Planning Application with the Shire of Yarriambiack for a proposed licensed supermarket and specialty retail shops at 22 - 30 Cromie Street. The application reference number is TP34-19 and it can be viewed at the Shire Office at 34 Lyle Street Warracknabeal. As part of the application process the Shire has given written notice to the owners and occupiers of adjoinin...g and nearby land. This includes properties in Dyer, Taylor and Walter Streets as well as in Cromie Street from Knight’s Accounting to the Commercial Hotel on the West side and Boydys to the RSL on the East side. Any person who may be affected by the granting of the permit may object or make other submissions to the Shire. The Shire has said it will not decide on the application before 5 August 2019. Our fingers are crossed that objections are few and that our application is not held up unnecessarily. A display of the site plans will shortly be set up in the E-Rup office at 59 Cromie Street.

02.01.2022 Update on the Tender Process for Building Contractors for the Retail Precinct Calls for expressions of interest from building contractors were advertised in The Age, Wimmera Mail Times and Warracknabeal Herald newspapers in early October 2019. Eight expressions of interest were received and 4 were shortlisted and invited to tender on 18 November, with a deadline of 19 December for submission of tenders. One of the shortlisted companies subsequently withdrew from the process c...Continue reading

02.01.2022 All done, ready for the builders. Thanks to everyone who helped.

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