Justine Smillie Greens for Hornsby Council | Political candidate
Justine Smillie Greens for Hornsby Council
Phone: +61 408 972 907
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25.01.2022 What a great idea - a simple and presumably inexpensive post that protects wildlife and makes driving on rural roads a little bit safer at night. I wonder if Hornsby Council has investigated installing them?
24.01.2022 Another thought provoking opinion piece from Elizabeth Farrelly. How do we make our cities and town centres more sustainable and healthier places to live and work? How do we maintain connectivity in this new COVID age? Hornsby Greens are keenly focused on these issues and Im really looking forward to participating in our discussion group tomorrow to hear from local experts and other members. Wed love you to join us and be part of the discussion. Send me a message if youre interested.
24.01.2022 Julian Leeser MP, what do I tell my children when they ask why the Government is using public money to invest in dirty and expensive gas instead of cheap, clean renewable energy? Do I tell them that it will be okwhen Prof Will Steffen says that to meet a 2degree carbon budget, a very rapid phase-out of all fossil fuel usage by 2050 at the latest, or preferably earlier, is required and this means unequivocally NO MORE FOSSIL FUEL PROJECTS. Do I tell them that we need gas.whe...n the Australian Industry Group says Ramping up support for manufacturers to transition from gas to electricity from gas boilers to heat pumps would both cut costs and allow them to lower emissions with onsite or offsite renewables. Or do I tell them that we need the jobs.when it really is a highly mechanised industry that employs only small number of people (Statista reports that in 2018 only 17.3 thousand people were employed in oil and gas and that since 2014, this has dropped by 25%) No, I can only tell them the cold hard truth, and that is that the money the Government gleans from the fossil fuel lobby, the wealth and power of that sector, is more important to you and your colleagues than their future. There is simply no other explanation for it. See more
23.01.2022 Are you worth listening to? Whats your opinion worth? More or less than your neighbours? Who should decide? Are you happy for one Councillor to tell the other Councillors that they should always vote for what he thinks the majority want? These are things that will be considered at tonights Council meeting. ... Remember that civil rights and environmental protection have never been achieved by the majority of citizens picking up the phone and calling their MP. It has always been a small group of passionate, engaged citizens that have lobbied political leaders; leaders who were able to recognise their foresight and act in the public interest. Is this something we want to change in Hornsby (if it even could be)? I certainly dont. I hope the following motion is strongly rejected by all Councillors tonight. RIPA Sydney Hornsby Action Group Hornsby Shire Climate Action Group Protecting Your Suburban Environment - PYSE Inc. Mount Colah Residents Action Group Respect Rural
23.01.2022 Bushfires pose a huge risk to our local community and can have a devastating social, economic and environmental impact. The evidence clearly points to a longer and more severe fire season as the climate warms. Join us in hearing from Professor Jeremy Moss who will discuss how options to address the consequences of more and more properties becoming uninsurable.
23.01.2022 Did you know that cicadas are the noisiest insects in the world? The males sing to attract females and are the only known insects to have developed such an effective and specialised means of sound production. To me, circada song is the sound of summer. Most cicadas are tree parasites, so when we reduce the number of trees, we also reduce the number of cicadas. Another reason to ensure we are protecting the tree canopies and remnant bushland in the Shire.
23.01.2022 Our door knocking team! Join us - kirstenlovejoy.com.au/volunteer 2600 doors knocked 6700 calls made 1400 meaningful conversations... This is how we win. See more
22.01.2022 Rats - seem to be part and parcel of living in a rural area, but I really hate them getting into the roof where they reek havoc and create a mess. I admit to using rat poison in the past, it seemed like an easy solution. However since becoming aware of the impact it has on birds and other native animals weve stopped using it. Weve removed a vine growing on the outside of the house to stop them climbing into the roof cavity and bought one of those self closing feeders for ...the chickens. What have you done to stop rats at your place? https://www.actforbirds.org/ratpoison
21.01.2022 Despite the downpour, Emma Heyde Hornsby Councillor joined me and a group of wonderful local residents yesterday to take a deep dive into issues relevant to the rural areas of the Shire. We shared practical ways of reducing emissions. Some of the great ideas discussed included: - the need for soil rehabilitation in our rural areas through regenerative agriculture ... - better ways of managing food and industrial waste - incentivising batteries and solar PV especially for those in areas with frequent blackouts - asking Council to plant native grasses and leaving some areas as natural ‘meadows’ to support pollinating insects and cut down on mowing. Thank you to all who shared a cuppa and their ideas, I'm looking forward to exploring how we can implement them and make our communities more sustainable and resilient.
21.01.2022 So happy to be able to get together again with this fabulous group of people to talk about how we can make Hornsby Shire an even safer, more sustainable and healthy place to live, work and learn. There is so much knowledge and experience to draw on - the group includes a doctor, disability services worker, teacher, university lecturer in finance and a brilliant cook!
20.01.2022 Well done Cate Faehrmann and everyone who phoned and emailed the State Government to stop this Bill. Pretty telling that the Premier sacked upper house Liberal Catherine Cusack for speaking out about the Bill that would have had a devasting impact on koala habitat throughout the State. You can’t claim to be serious about saving koalas if you’re not prepared to protect their habitat.
20.01.2022 Hornsby is the bushland shire, approximately 2/3 of our area is national park or bushland reserve. Our Council should be at the forefront of advocating for action on climate change and strongly focused on community-led solutions, including community resilience hubs. But are they?
19.01.2022 Thanks to the Councillors that encourage community participation in decision making
19.01.2022 A sign of our times. The face mask hanging by the door with the shopping bag.
19.01.2022 The Council agenda for next weeks meeting is packed with really interesting stuff, but the last item on the Agenda, titled Decisions of Council is perplexing. One of the Councillors has proposed that a workshop be held so he can share his concerns about the weight Councillors should give to community representatives. It is suggested that discussion of methods that Councillors SHOULD employ to ensure that the views of particular individuals or groups with minimal local re...presentation are given. This notion of stipulating to Councillors who they should listen to and who should be ignored is contradictory to the fundamental principles of grassroots democracy. An inclusive, open society ensures that all members are able to be heard and can participate actively, meaningfully and equitably in decision making. It is entirely up to the electorate to assess whether Councillors are giving appropriate weight to the various views that exist in our community. We get to do this every 3-4 years at election time! This motion is clearly targeted at a small group of passionate, engaged community members that continue to hold Council to account. I hope it is strongly rejected by all Councillors. (10 Principles for a healthy democracy published by ACF)
18.01.2022 What sort of future do you see for your grandchildren? Are you voting for people who will deliver it? I am
17.01.2022 Wow! Putting carbon labels on food sounds like a great idea
17.01.2022 Thanks to Monday Focus - Triple H 100.1FM for having me in today to talk about why I love community radio, think we need to remained focused on climate change (even during the COVID crisis) and am passionate about planning for communities not profits.
17.01.2022 This is a fantastic story. Sometimes there is no alternative to civil disobedience when Conservatives refuse to follow logic, evidence and the will of the people. I was really curious to know what the response was to the protest in 1965. Apparently Merle received hate mail letters accusing her of being a communist and questioning her capabilities as a mother. Some critics also questioned her morality. Challenging the status quo is not easy. Thanks to Merle and all the campaigners who continue to fight for a more equitable and sustainable planet for all.
16.01.2022 Its World Threatened Species Day, and while I know it seems like there is a day for everything, this one is really important. Australia is sadly a world leader with more than 1700 species and ecological communities known to be threatened and at risk of extinction. There are at least 16 species of wildlife at risk in our local government area. Over the coming months, Hornsby Shire Council is going to be talking about the urban forest, rural lands and vegetation mapping, all of which will have big impact on the survival of our wonderful local flora and fauna. Ill be doing everything I can to ensure Council adopts polices that protect our beautiful bushland shire and Id love your help. Watch this space for how to get involved.
16.01.2022 Equitable access to university and TAFE is essential, not only for our economy but for our society as a whole, and absolutely should be free for all.
16.01.2022 An independent media is integral to a healthy democracy. The blatant partisanship shown by the Murdoch press should be challenged.
15.01.2022 For me, one of the key things that drew me to The Greens is their refusal to accept donations from corporations and their ongoing fight for a national corruption watchdog. I want to know that the people I elect put the community at the forefront of decision making and are not beholden to cashed up vested interests.
14.01.2022 Having Greens on Hornsby Council has made a big impact, but there is so much more that could be done!
13.01.2022 Good news for people who commute by bike to Hornsby Station. Hopefully the new cycle way along Peats Ferry Road will make the journey safer.
13.01.2022 Last day to make a submission to Hornsby Council’s environmental sustainability strategy. There are some great initiatives in the draft policies so we need to ensure Council adopts AND allocates the necessary funding.
13.01.2022 This is one of the three big reasons I joined the Greens. Putting community and the environment first
13.01.2022 Im really looking forward to this - I loved War on Waste and cant wait to watch Craig Reucassel take on climate change.
12.01.2022 A heads up on a hot issue. Council is looking at a report on Seniors Living at the 8/7 public meeting. The report says there is already enough seniors housing to meet forecast demand. But thats not what the developers say! There are currently 8 facilities proposed for Dural, Galston and Glenorie. Some are really big with very high densities. The scale is totally incompatible with our rural areas. There has been a temporary ban on developments like this in rural areas, but... this expired on 1/7. Council has asked for an extension but it has not been granted yet. It is arguing that the community and Council should decide where seniors living developments are built, not developers. That way the community gets more control. I support this approach because once the state government takes control, we get shut out of the process, even though these developments are transforming our rural lands. The community has a right to decide who builds what and where. If you are concerned about high density development in rural areas, tell Councillors to adopt the report and maintain the pressure on the State Government for an exemption. You can write to all ten at once here: [email protected]
11.01.2022 This is fantastic! Street art gives a place soul! Where else could we put one in Hornsby Shire?
11.01.2022 I did a post recently about making roads safer for cyclists. It attracted some constructive criticism about the challenges of road sharing (and no I wasn’t suggesting a speed limit of 30km in Galston gorge) along with some really petty and baseless comments. Quite a few people said it made them angry Well, you know what makes me angry?... - that that Federal Government has just approved the Narrabri Gas field despite the overwhelming scientific, economic and socio-cultural evidence that it shouldn’t proceed - the fact the Federal Government has spent $42M imprisoning a young family on Christmas Island when so many people are homeless - That the revelations about corruption and malfeasance in Gladys Berejiklian’s Government keep coming and she gets away with it because everyone is too frightened of who might replace her - That land clearing rates in NSW are up by 60% and yet the NSW Government introduces legislation that will make it even worse in the face of evidence that many iconic species, including the koala, are in danger of extinction due to habitat loss So if my posts about making cycling safer make you angry, sorry not sorry! We need to do politics differently and I am not going to give up trying.
10.01.2022 Here is an interesting idea - fund council infrastructure by removing all fees and charges and sell the property rights granted through rezoning at market prices. It could raise eight times what infrastructure charges do. It isnt just academic, they have been doing it for decades in the ACT.
10.01.2022 Think you have to pick between job creation and climate justice? Think again.
08.01.2022 Some good news on a Monday
08.01.2022 Look out, koalas about
08.01.2022 Just how much are we willing to lose before we say stop? Will we just sit by and let the koala become extinct? The Hornsby Greens submission to the Independent review of the EPBC Act called for a major overhaul of the laws - the draft report is due out any day now. The federal government has the chance to step up and ensure our national environmental laws protect our precious wildlife and vegetation communities. Lets make sure they do.
07.01.2022 It is really clear, if we don't take steps NOW to protect threatened and endangered wildlife and ecosystems, they'll be gone. As one of the many people that made a submission to the EPBC Independent Review (there were over 3000 submissions) it is incredibly disappointing that the Government is attempting to push through amendments without ensuring two key recommendations are included: - A new set of National Standards ... - An independent national regulator (EPA) We're not going to get a second go at this.
06.01.2022 An interesting perspective on densification of urban areas with analysis finding that there are a number of negative environmental impacts associated with this form of housing that has been foisted on some parts of Hornsby LGA. Studies show the densification policy causes housing unaffordability, traffic congestion, overcrowding, reduced housing choice, decreased community amenity and negative health aspects. It is time the State Government’s defacto strategic planning - developers land banking and lobbying for rezoning (IBM site a case in point) - is replaced by an evidence based policy that put the interests of the community and environment at its core.
06.01.2022 Happily watching Hornsby Council tonight. Greens, Labor and Independent Councillors, with the support of the Mayor, voted in favour of ensuring that land clearing in our beautiful shire is properly regulated. There will be community consultation with all residents, particularly those on properties that are now included in the mapped areas. Changes to the DCP to ensure the current exemptions in the TPO are extended to the mapped areas have been foreshadowed. As the Mayor stated, there have been attempts to confuse the issue at hand and scaremonger people into thinking that they wouldnt be able to trim their hedge or remove a dead tree. I share his hope that we can all move forward now and ensure that we focus on the facts and get real (and sensible) protection for the remnant bushland in our shire.
06.01.2022 Im proud to be part of the local group taking action on climate change. They are calling on residents of Hornsby State electorate to call Mattt Kean today to urge him to make an urgent submission to the IPC.
06.01.2022 As a keen e-bike rider I just love this article! No, it isn't 'cheating' to ride an e-bike They may have added grunt, but e-bikes have all the advantages of a regular treadly. http://www.smh.com.au//no-it-isn-t-cheating-to-ride-an-e-b
06.01.2022 With scenery like this on our doorstep it is no surprise Hornsby LGA was listed in the top 10 places to live.
05.01.2022 Are we ok with this? Due to the determination of David Shoebridge, documents that the Premier had claimed were shredded have been recovered. They show that 95% of the grants from the Stronger Communities Fund went to Liberal electorates. Hornsby Shire received $90 million. Now I’m not saying that Hornsby shouldn’t have received any money. The Liberals' attempt at forced amalgamations cost Hornsby residents dearly - $262M to be exact. Gladys assured Hornsby residents at the ti...me that they would 'not be worse off' despite all land south of the M2 being given to Parramatta Council. However she didn’t say that compensation for Hornsby ratepayers would come out of an election slush fund. The Government has a responsibility to be honest and transparent about all financial transactions. Instead of trumpeting the $90 million as a grant during an election campaign, Matt Kean should have been upfront and called it what it was compensation for a bungled amalgamation that has left Hornsby Council $10 million a year worse off. As for the fund itself, all NSW residents are entitled to expect their government will assess grants on the basis of need, not on the basis of political benefit to the Government. The Premier got one thing right though. She said this about pork barrelling. It’s not something the community likes ... but it’s an accusation I will wear. We deserve accountability, transparency and fairness from our leaders. We are certainly not getting it from the NSW Premier or her government. https://www.theguardian.com//berejiklian-admits-140m-grant
04.01.2022 George Woods from Lock the Gate suggested heat waves be named after climate wrecking politicians so should this weekend be called an ‘Abbott’?
04.01.2022 ***UPDATE - THE DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO 18.12.20 **** Last day to get a submission into Hornsby Council on the draft Walking and Cycling Strategy. I think cycling is the best way to get around but at the moment cars are prioritised and some areas are simply too unsafe (like New Line Road). Perhaps one of the simplest and quickest ways of improving safety in residential areas is to lower the speed limit. Bicycle Network says that on local streets with no separate space f...or people to ride bikes, we must lower speed limits to 30km/h. It is the gold standard of speed on local streets and is recommended by the OECD. I think it would be great to see a trial of this somewhere in Hornsby LGA.
04.01.2022 Trees, provide habitat, absorb greenhouse gases, make streets cooler and even increase property values. Whats not to . National Tree Day #Iookingafterwherewelive
03.01.2022 It was great to get out into the bush on Sunday with this great bunch of Hornsby Greens. The wildflowers were out and the sun was shining.
02.01.2022 Well done Cate Faehrmann . The koala killing bill has been delayed! Come on Matt Kean MP you need to stand up to the Nationals and make sure koala habitat is protected. The alternative of no koalas in the wild in NSW is too sad to contemplate #lookingafterwherewelive
02.01.2022 I have to admit I had never heard of the Public Space Ideas Competition before, but there are so many fabulous ideas including "my street as my park". When I was a kid I spent a lot of time literally playing on the street, tennis, cricket and roller skating. I feel my kids missed out on this as streets became busier. My street as my park reimagines streets with larger setbacks and offsets, shared permeable driveways and verge and private tree plantings to provide shade. I'd ...love to see this adopted in quiet residential areas around the shire. Check out some of the other brilliant ideas. https://sydney.org.au/psic/view-winners/
02.01.2022 Wow! I cant believe it was a year ago that we planted out this little patch in Brooklyn. Great to see how well they have grown. #lookingafterwherewelive #brooklyn #20000trees
01.01.2022 As Emma Heyde Hornsby Councillor says The big corporates are moving to shut down anti-climate nonsense from lobbyists like the Minerals Council. Cmon Hornsby Shire Council! Lets do some big emissions reduction work locally. Even the big end of town now knows its only way to go if we want jobs & a healthy future for our kids
01.01.2022 This is fantastic. More and more Councils are moving to 100% renewable energy. Hornsby Council could too. #lookingafterwherewelive #wecandothis
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