Macedonian Orthodox Church St. Prophet Ilija, Footscray in Seddon, Victoria | Religious organisation
Macedonian Orthodox Church St. Prophet Ilija, Footscray
Locality: Seddon, Victoria
Phone: +61 412 554 410
Address: 81-85 Victoria St 3011 Seddon, VIC, Australia
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24.01.2022 + Christmas Eve + On the eve of Christmas, the Old Testament prophecies of Christ’s birth are chanted during the Divine Liturgy. For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulders, and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end (Isaiah 9:67).
23.01.2022 Palm Sunday Palm Sunday is one of the Great Feasts of the Orthodox Church and is celebrated on the Sunday before Pascha (Easter) and marks the beginning of Holy Week. Today we commemorate the Entrance of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, and where people welcomed Jesus. On this day, we receive and behold our King and Lord. They took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet Him, and cried: Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! ... - John 12:13 The palm branches in our hands signify our readiness and willingness to follow Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, proclaiming our faith in the final victory of Christ. Holy Week officially begins today as we enter commemoration of Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection. Holy Week is a strict fast and mourning period. For many years may we commemorate Palm Sunday! Цветници - Влегувае на Господ Исус Христос во Ерусалим Цветници е еден од големите празници на Православната Црква и се слави во недела пред Пасха (Велигден). Цветници го означува почетокот на Страдална Недела. Денес го славиме влезот на нашиот Господ и Спасител Исус Христос во Ерусалим и каде што луето го пречекаа. На ово ден, го примаме и го гледаме нашиот Цар и Господ. Луето зедоа палмови гранчиа, па излегоа да Го пречекаат, извикуваи: Хосана! Благословен е То што доаа во името на Господ! Благословен да е Царот на Израел! - ован 12:13 Палмови гранчиа во нашите раце а означуваат нашата подготвеност да го следиме Исус Христос, нашиот Господ и Спасител, прогласуваи а нашата вера во конечната Христова победа. Страдална недела започнува денес кога влегуваме во спомен на Христовото страдае, смрт и воскресение. Страдална недела е строг период на пост и жалост. За многу години да ни е Цветници!
23.01.2022 + Palm Sunday - The Entry of the Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem + They took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet Him, and cried: Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! - John 12:13... + Цветници - Влегувае на Господ Исус Христос во Ерусалим + Луето зедоа палмови гранчиа, па излегоа да Го пречекаат, извикуваи: Хосана! Благословен е То што доаа во името на Господ! Благословен да е Царот на Израел! - ован 12:13
22.01.2022 Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! Христос Воскресна! Навистина Воскресна!
22.01.2022 Please note that Easter services will be live streamed from Macedonian Orthodox Church Nativity of the Holy Mother of God - Sydenham during the Easter period. The Easter Saturday/Sunday night service will begin 11:30pm. Easter Monday 20 April service from 8:00am.... Easter Tuesday 21 April service from 8:00am. РАСПОРЕД НА БОГОСЛУЖБИТЕ ВО СТРАСНАТА СЕДМИЦА И ЗА ВОСКРЕСЕНИЕ ХРИСТОВО ВЕЛИГДЕН во Соборната црква Раае на Пресвета Богородица во Сиденхам, Мелбурн 18/19 Април - ВОСКРЕСЕНИЕ ХРИСТОВО - ВЕЛИГДЕН 23:30 Oпход околу храмот и обава на Христовото Воскресение; ВОСКРЕСНА БОГОСЛУЖБА со Златоустова литургиа 20 Април Воскресение Христово Втор ден Велигден 8:00 Утрена и Света Божествена Литургиа 21 Април Воскресение Христово Трет ден Велигден 8:00 Утрена и Света Божествена Литургиа
20.01.2022 Thank you to the community for their assistance in preparation for Great and Holy Thursday, Great and Holy Friday, and Great and Holy Saturday. Му благодариме на верниците за помошта спремаи за Велики Четврток, Велики Петок и Велика Сабота.
18.01.2022 Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! We wish you blessed Easter holidays, peace within your homes and love within your families. Христос Воскресна! Навистина Воскресна! ... Ви посакуваме од Бога благословени Велигденски празници, и мир и убов во вашите семества.
18.01.2022 Please refer to the link below for services during the Easter holidays.
17.01.2022 + Great and Holy Friday - Christ’s Passion, Death and Burial + A Day of Mourning. Today He who hung the earth upon the waters is hung upon the Cross. He who is King of the angels is arrayed in a crown of thorns. He who wraps the heavens in clouds is wrapped in the purple of mockery. He who in Jordan set Adam free receives blows upon His face. The Bridegroom of the Church is transfixed with nails. The Son of the Virgin is pierced with a spear. We venerate Thy Passion, O Christ. Show us also Thy glorious Resurrection.
15.01.2022 + Great and Holy Friday - The Commemoration of the Burial of Our Lord Jesus Christ + + Велики Петок - Оплакyвае на Господ Исyс Христос + On this day the Church commemorates an event that is considered the most tragic in human history - the Crucifixion and death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. On this day, the prophecies of the Saviour are fulfilled. Bowing to Lord Jesus Christ's Tomb, we thank the Saviour.
14.01.2022 + Christ is Born! Truly He is Born! + The Nativity of Jesus (Christmas) is one of the most joyful days of the Orthodox Church. The day commemorates the Birth of Jesus, becoming man to save mankind. Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people; for unto you is born this day in the City of David, a Savior which is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:10-11)... + Христос се Роди! Навистина се Роди! + Рождеството Христово (Божик) е еден од наголемите празници во Православната Црква. Се празнува рааето Христово за нашето спасение. Не боте се! Еве, ви соопштувам голема радост, коа е биде за сите луе; зашто денеска ви се роди во градот Давидов Спасител, Ко е Христос Господ." (Лука 2:10-11)
14.01.2022 Macedonian Orthodox Monastery St. Prohor Pchinski - Donnybrook will be live streaming the service for Bright (Easter) Thursday on 23 April starting at 6:00pm. Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! Христос Воскресна! Навистина Воскресна!
13.01.2022 + Announcement + In honour of Saint Prophet Ilija, on the 1st of August the Macedonian Orthodox Church St. Prophet Ilija will have an evening liturgy commencing 7pm. Following the liturgy, there will be a shared dinner in the Church Hall. On the 2nd of August - Ilinden, a Holy Divine Liturgy will commence from 9am. Following the Divine Liturgy there will be a shared lunch in the Church Hall. ... Please join our celebration in commemoration of St. Prophet Ilija and Ilinden! God bless. + Cоопштениe + По повод Xрамовата Слава на Македонската Православна Црква, Свети Пророк Илиа е има вечерна Богослyжба на 1ви Авгyст со почеток во 7 часот на вечер. После слyжбата е има заедничка вечера во Црковната сала. На 2 Авгyст - Илинден, е има Света Божествена Литyргиа со почеток во 9 часот на yтро. Потоа е има заеднички рyчек во Црковната сала. Сите се добрододени да го православиме празникот! Господ да е со вас.
09.01.2022 + Great and Holy Wednesday: Judas Betrayed the Son of God + Judas stretched forth his hand to the lawless, she sought the remission of her sins, while he took the pieces of silver. The harlot brought myrrh to anoint the Lord; the disciple made an agreement with the lawless. She rejoiced when she spent the precious myrrh; he set out to sell Him who has no price. She recognized her Master, while he departed from his Master. She was freed from sin, but he became the captive of sin. - St. John Chrysostom
07.01.2022 Easter Church Services 2019 Велигденски Богослужби 2019
07.01.2022 + Great and Holy Thursday: The Last Supper + While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when He had given thanks, He broke it and gave it to His disciples, saying, Take and eat; this is my body. Then He took a cup, and when He had given thanks, He gave it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. - Matthew 26:26-28... + Велики Четврток - Таната Вечера + И кога адеа, Исус зеде леб, го благослови, го прекрши, и откако им го даде на учениците, рече: ‘Земете, адете, ова е моето тело.’ И кога а зеде чашата, заблагодари, им даде и рече: ‘Пите од неа сите; зашто ова е моата крв на новиот завет, коа се пролева за мнозина, за простувае на гревовите.’ - Мате 26,26-28
07.01.2022 + Bright Week + Bright week is the first week following the Resurrection of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and and lasts seven days, ending on the Sunday of St. Thomas (5th May 2019). Bright week is dedicated to celebrations as we rejoice Christ’s Resurrection. Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! ... + Светла Седмица + Светла Седмица е првата недела по Воскресението на нашиот Господ и Спасител Исус Христос, и завршува на Томина Недела (5ти ма 2019). За време на Светла Седмица прославуваме и се радуваме на Христовото Воскресение. Христос воскресна! Навистина Воскресна!
07.01.2022 + Great and Holy Saturday + Great Saturday is the day between Jesus' death and His resurrection. It is the day of watchful expectation, in which mourning is being transformed into joy. "Weep not for me, O Mother, beholding in the sepulcher the Son whom thou hast conceived without seed in thy womb. For I shall rise and shall be glorified, and as God I shall exalt in everlasting glory those who magnify thee with faith and love."... "O Son without beginning, in ways surpassing nature was I blessed at Thy strange birth, for I was spared all travail. But now beholding Thee, my God, a lifeless corpse, I am pierced by the sword of bitter sorrow. But arise, that I may be magnified." "By mine own will the earth covers me, O Mother, but the gatekeepers of hell tremble as they see me, clothed in the bloodstained garment of vengeance: for on the Cross as God have I struck down mine enemies, and I shall rise again and magnify thee." "Let the creation rejoice exceedingly, let all those born on earth be glad: for hell, the enemy, has been despoiled. Ye women, come to meet me with sweet spices: for I am delivering Adam and Eve with all their offspring, and on the third day I shall rise again." (9th Ode of the Canon, Great Holy Saturday)
06.01.2022 Please see below a schedule for our Easter services over the coming weeks.
05.01.2022 + Great and Holy Friday - Christ’s Passion, Death and Burial + A Day of Mourning. On Great and Holy Friday we commemorate the sufferings of Christ: the mockery, the crown of thorns, the scourging, the nails, the thirst, the vinegar and gall, the cry of desolation, and all that the Saviour endured on the Cross.
03.01.2022 Православна веронаука за македонските ученици во државните училишта во Нов ужен Велс, Австралиа Orthodox religious education for Macedonian students in public... schools in New South Wales, Australia +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Македонската православна црква Епархиа за Австралиа и Нов Зеланд, од неодамна стана одобрен провадер за православна веронаука на Министерството за образование на Нов ужен Велс, Австралиа. Специалното верско образование (СРЕ) е доброволна (факултативна) програма во државните училишта во Нов ужен Велс. Учеството е бесплатно, на доброволна основа и по избор на родителите или старателите. Програмата за православна веронаука на МПЦЕАНЗ во Државните училишта е го надополнува општото образование на македонските православни деца. Со благослов на Неговото Високо-преосвештенство митрополит г. Петар, програма е шестгодишна и претставува фундаментално студирае за источното православно христианство и настоува да ги покрие клучните аспекти на православната вера. Прегледот на одобрената наставна програма од Епархискиот просветен совет на МПЦЕАНЗ е достапен на родителите, старателите и студентите, според бараата на Одделот за образование во Нов ужен Велс. Списокот на теми заедно со општите цели и резултати од учеето се обавени и достапни на веб-страницата: Родителите и старателите се добредодени да ги разгледаат лекциите и темите што е им се предаваат на нивните деца, и да ги видат деталите на веб страната. Начинот на предавае и учее е се одвива соодветно на возраста. Учителите предавачи на часовите по православно вероучение се волонтери кои се одобрени, овластени и обучени од локалната парохиа и Австралиско-новозеландската епархиа. За овластените наставници, МПЦЕАНЗ е обезбедува постоана обука за имплементациа на наставната програма. Епархиата и Советодавната комисиа до наставниците, редовно е доставуваат препораки за потребните ресурси и основна литература за предаваата. Со благослов на Неговото Високо-преосвештенство митрополит г. Петар е предвидена подготовка, издавае и печатее на учебници за учениците, и наставни помагала за наставниците. Целта на програмата е ка студентите да се развие свеста, разбирае и ценее на Православието како сведок на Светото Писмо и чувар на учеето на Црквата, но и да ги потикне да учествуваат во Светите тани на Црквата. За да добиете дополнителни информации, посетете а страницата на SRE на МПЦЕАНЗ на следниот линк: ++++++++++++ The Macedonian Orthodox Church - Diocese of Australia and New Zealand (MOCDANZ) - has recently become an approved Orthodox religious service provider at the Department of Education of New South Wales, Australia. Special Religious Education (SRE) is a voluntary (optional) program in public schools in New South Wales. Participation is free, on a voluntary basis and at the choice of parents or guardians. The MOCDANZ Orthodox Religious Education Program in Public Schools will complement the general education of Macedonian Orthodox children. With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Mr. Peter, the program is six years long and is a fundamental study of Eastern Orthodox Christianity and seeks to cover key aspects of the Orthodox faith. The review of the authorized curriculum by the Diocesan Education Council of MPCEANZ is available to parents, guardians, and students, as required by the NSW Department of Education. The list of topics along with the general objectives and learning outcomes is published and available on the website: Parents and guardians are welcome to review the lessons and topics that will be taught to their children and see the details on the website. The way of teaching and learning will take place with special sensitivity and age-appropriate. Orthodox teachers are volunteers who are approved, certified, and trained by the local parish and the Australian-New Zealand Diocese. For the authorized teachers, MOCDANZ will provide continuous training for the implementation of the curriculum. The Diocese and the Advisory Committee will regularly submit recommendations to the teachers on the necessary resources and basic literature for the lectures. With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan, Mr. Peter provides preparation, publishing and printing of textbooks for students and teaching aids for teachers. The aim of the program is to develop students' awareness, understanding, and appreciation of Orthodoxy as a witness to the Holy Scriptures and guardian of the teachings of the Church, but also to encourage them to participate in the Holy Mysteries of the Church. For more information, visit the MOCDANZ SRE website at the following link:
02.01.2022 Great and Holy Friday Велики Петок Today we commemorate the sufferings of Christ: the mockery, crown of thorns, nails, cry of desolation and all that our Savior endured on the Cross. Today we mourn and strictly fast. Great and Holy Friday begins with reading of the Royal Hours (leading up to the Vespers of Friday evening), where the removal of the Body of Christ from the Cross is commemorated. The evening service carries the embroided cloth representation of Christ from the altar around the church - symbolizing the tomb of Christ. The faithful carry lighted candles, representing Christ’s descent into Hades.
02.01.2022 Over the coming two weeks there will be a number of services in commemoration of the Nativity of Jesus. Please refer to the below as a guide. We wish you blessed and safe holidays.
01.01.2022 Elevation of the Holy Cross Today we commemorate the Elevation of the Holy Cross. The Empress Saint Helena, the mother of Emperor Saint Constantine, recovers Christ’s Cross after it was taken by the Persians. The Cross was ‘elevated’ in the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem. Today is a significant day for Orthodox Christians and a day of fasting, prayer and repentance to celebrate the power of the Cross. ... For many years may we commemorate the Elevation of the Holy Cross. Воздвижение на Чесниот Крст - Крстовден Ово ден се празнува наоаето на крстот ко бил распнат Исус Христос, и во чест на неговото враае од Персиа во Ерусалим. Крстовден е празник на пост, молитва и покаание. За многу години и на помош да ни е Крстовден.
01.01.2022 Great and Holy Saturday - Велика Сабота Today we commemorate the burial of Christ and His descent into Hades - the day between His Crucifixion and Resurrection. Our focus today is on the Tomb of Christ that represents life and victory. Today our mourning starts to transform into joy. He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the Lord hath spoke...n it. And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the Lord; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation (Isaiah 25:8-9). И е а уништи смртта засекогаш. И Господ Бог е а избрише солзата од секое лице - е го симне срамот на Своот народ од целата зема: Господ рече така. И е се рече во оно ден: Ете, Ово е нашиот Бог, во Него се надеваме, То нè спаси; То е Господ во Кого се надевавме! Да Му воскликнуваме и да се веселиме на Неговото спасение. (Исаиа 25:8-9)
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