Soul Sircle in Tamborine, Queensland, Australia | Professional service
Soul Sircle
Locality: Tamborine, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 481 181 192
Address: Palomino Road 4270 Tamborine, QLD, Australia
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23.01.2022 Love this ... The feminine cannot, will not surrender To the wounded masculine ...... A man who criticizes her Belittles Dishonours Controls Manipulates Abuses Or attacks her Her own inner masculine will not allow it He will rise fiercely to the forefront To stand guard To do the job himself The feminine can and will only surrender To the divine masculine ... A man who is devoted to her Elevates Honours Cherishes Supports And protects her A man with boundaries Presence Direction Integrity Accountability And humility In this space She will feel him penetrating her very essence... Her body Her mind Her heart Her soul And she will feel safe ... Safe enough to surrender This is the natural law This is the dance of healed polarities This is surrender ... To love #twinflame #twinflameunion #twinflamejourney #twinflames #twinflameseparation #twinflamelove #twinflamereading #twinflamesupport #twinflamehealing #twinflameconnection #twinflamerunner #twinflamesurrender #twinflame1111 #1111 #twinsoul #awakenedsoul1111 # # # # #einsoflatovsheyavoalinu #twinflame #yesmividaitsaboutyouus #twinflamemirror Karen Star
23.01.2022 You can't fix a man who will not meet you in a conscious space. . You can't fix a man who won't look at his wounds. . You can't fix a man who will not do his wo...rk. . You can't fix a man who thinks it's all your fault. . You can't fix a man who doesn't recognize that he has work to do. . Your love, your essence, your efforts, your belief in him will not change him, heal his wounds or create his 'come to Jesus' moment. . Maybe one of your old limiting beliefs is, "If he really loved me he would change. If I was good enough he would change. If I was worthy he would change. If he valued me he would do the work." . He needs to love himself enough to do the work. His resistance and inability to do his work has absolutely nothing to do with your worth and your value. . You're worth is not attached to anyone or anything outside of you. You are worthy simply because you exist. . It is not your job, your purpose, or your responsibility to fix a broken man. Lean back and pour all that love, energy and time into you and create a space for a man who has done his work and continues to do his work. . You deserve magnificence. . Jennifer Broken Open Book Seamus today for a conscious relating & sacred Intimacy coaching session. #consciousloving #sacredsexuality #empowerwoman #divinefeminine #sacredintimacy #openheart #healthyrelatioships #sacredrelationship #lover #Strengthofheart #healingthemaledivine #healingthefemaledivine #divinemasculine #transformingmasculine #manoflight #empoweredman #tantra #taoist #divinecouple #SerpentineFire #KundaliniEnergy #KundaliniSex #SexMagic #CosmicLove #Orgasmic #SexualHealing #Goddesses #Gods #frequency #sequence
20.01.2022 RUN THE DISHWASHER TWICE. When I was at one of my lowest (mental) points in life, I couldn’t get out of bed some days. I had no energy or motivation and was ba...rely getting by. I had therapy once per week, and on this particular week I didn’t have much to ‘bring’ to the session. He asked how my week was and I really had nothing to say. What are you struggling with? he asked. I gestured around me and said I dunno man. Life. Not satisfied with my answer, he said No, what exactly are you worried about right now? What feels overwhelming? When you go home after this session, what issue will be staring at you? I knew the answer, but it was so ridiculous that I didn’t want to say it. I wanted to have something more substantial. Something more profound. But I didn’t. So I told him, Honestly? The dishes. It’s stupid, I know, but the more I look at them the more I CAN’T do them because I’ll have to scrub them before I put them in the dishwasher, because the dishwasher sucks, and I just can’t stand and scrub the dishes. I felt like an idiot even saying it. What kind of grown ass woman is undone by a stack of dishes? There are people out there with *actual* problems, and I’m whining to my therapist about dishes? But my therapist nodded in understanding and then said: RUN THE DISHWASHER TWICE. I began to tell him that you’re not supposed to, but he stopped me. Why the hell aren’t you supposed to? If you don’t want to scrub the dishes and your dishwasher sucks, run it twice. Run it three times, who cares?! Rules do not exist, so stop giving yourself rules. It blew my mind in a way that I don’t think I can properly express. That day, I went home and tossed my smelly dishes haphazardly into the dishwasher and ran it three times. I felt like I had conquered a dragon. The next day, I took a shower lying down. A few days later. I folded my laundry and put them wherever the fuck they fit. There were no longer arbitrary rules I had to follow, and it gave me the freedom to make accomplishments again. Now that I’m in a healthier place, I rinse off my dishes and put them in the dishwasher properly. I shower standing up. I sort my laundry. But at a time when living was a struggle instead of a blessing, I learned an incredibly important lesson: THERE ARE NO RULES. RUN THE DISHWASHER TWICE!!! Source: Quora
20.01.2022 LAKOTA CODE OF ETHICS 1. Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak. 2. Be tolerant of those who are los...t on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy - and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance. 3. Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. 4. Treat the guests in your home with much consideration. Serve them the best food, give them the best bed and treat them with respect and honor. 5. Do not take what is not yours whether from a person, a community, the wilderness or from a culture. It was not earned nor given. It is not yours. 6. Respect all things that are placed upon this earth - whether it be people or plant. 7. Honor other people's thoughts, wishes and words. Never interrupt another or mock or rudely mimic them. Allow each person the right to personal expression. 8. Never speak of others in a bad way. The negative energy that you put out into the universe will multiply when it returns to you. 9. All persons make mistakes. And all mistakes can be forgiven. 10. Bad thoughts cause illness of the mind, body and spirit. Practice optimism. 11. Nature is not FOR us, it is a PART of us. They are part of your worldly family. 12. Children are the seeds of our future. Plant love in their hearts and water them with wisdom and life's lessons. When they are grown, give them space to grow. 13. Avoid hurting the hearts of others. The poison of your pain will return to you. 14. Be truthful at all times. Honesty is the test of ones will within this universe. 15. Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual self, Emotional self, and Physical self - all need to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out the body to strengthen the mind. Grow rich in spirit to cure emotional ails. 16. Make conscious decisions as to who you will be and how you will react. Be responsible for your own actions. 17. Respect the privacy and personal space of others. Do not touch the personal property of others - especially sacred and religious objects. This is forbidden. 18. Be true to yourself first. You cannot nurture and help others if you cannot nurture and help yourself first. 19. Respect others religious beliefs. Do not force your belief on others. 20. Share your good fortune with others.
17.01.2022 There comes a day, somewhere in the middle of every woman’s life, when Mother Nature herself stands behind us and wraps her arms around our shoulders, whisperin...g It’s time. You have taken enough now. It’s time to stop growing up, stop growing older and start growing wiser and wilder. There are adventures still waiting on you and this time, you will enjoy them with the vision of wisdom and the companionship of hindsight, and you will really let go. It’s time to stop the madness of comparison and the ridicule of schedule and conformity and start experiencing the joys that a life, free of containment and guilt, can bring. She will shake your shoulders gently and remind you that you’ve done your bit. You’ve given too much, cared too much, you’ve suffered too much. You’ve bought the book as it were and worn the t-shirt. Worse, you’ve worn the chains and carried the weight of a burden far too heavy for your shoulders. It’s time she will say. Let it go, really let it go and feel the freedom of the fresh, clean spaces within you. Fill them with discovery, love and laughter. Fill yourself so full you will no longer fear what is ahead and instead you will greet each day with the excitement of a child. She will remind you that if you choose to stop caring what other people think of you and instead of caring what you think of you, that you will experience a new era of your life you never dreamed possible. ‘It’s time’ she will say.. to write the ending, or new beginning, of your own story. ~Donna Ashworth Nicole Sacred Wild Woman Medicine Photo Credit ~Unknown
15.01.2022 THE RAINBOW TRIBE There's a group of souls, called The Rainbow Tribe Who are here on a mission, of the same highest vibe Their destiny foretold, by the E...lders and Ancestors of the Earth. From the indigenous peoples, who've long awaited their birth For thousands of years, passed down in prophecies. That spoke of these times, of the Great Awakening that we see The knowledge of what was to come, in their stories contained The raising of Humanity's consciousness, Divinely ordained Depicted in drawings, and carried by words Now is the time, for these stories to be heard From all corners of the world, where these ancient tribes dwell Their stories blend in to each other, one story to tell. About the Rainbow Warriors, from all paths of life Who would step into their roles, when there came chaos and strife In a world that was shifting, from one way of being to another When all would realise the connection, to their sisters and brothers That they were all ONE, and a part of the ALL A deepest desire to awaken to truth to help self and humanity in the greatest good So if in reading my words, you feel your heart call Your Spirit to wake up, and move into action As it bursts with every colour, in a rainbow diffraction And the light beckons, and empassions your soul, To remember your purpose, to reach your collective goal Step forward Rainbow Warriors, the time is right NOW It matters not the why, the who or the how You are a spark of the Divine, and you will be Divinely guided The tools that you need, will all be provided Just know that the only, real requirement is Love You will be assisted by Angels, and those from above And from other dimensions, who have awaited this time Rainbow Tribe come together, let your colours align JK 30.9.20/20
11.01.2022 How fortunate are we to have access to some of the most advanced healing techniques. Together at Soul Sircle we can use hypnosis to uncover some fairly major fears that are holding you back in this life time. Past life may seem completely unfamiliar or unbelievable to some but it has been seen time and time again that we are wounded from our past, drowned, hung, captured or even starved, and this is sometimes why we can't move forward now.... For those that can't believe in past life that is fine and acceptable but what is shown in a hypnosis session for you would be a memory of a special time in your life when you felt completely loved and safe for example and this could be what you need right now. To feel love, deep in your heart in your being in your waking hours or to feel safe, safe that the banks are not going to close in on you or safe that you can take a bit of time off work to be with family. Fear keeps you in a loop of repeat and relearn until you break the cycle or seek other means. It keeps you over eating, over working, over shadowed or over compensating whatever is holding you back. Take back the reins take back your dreams. Don't be a slave to fear. Strive to thrive, smile, love and rejoice and simplify your life to find your harmony and your peace. Regressions @ Soulsircle You can book now you can start now..... Because you are worth It.... $170 2hrs We are happy to come to you also. Contact Natasha [email protected] Or private message
11.01.2022 Sexual intimacy is one of the most sought after and the most avoided of all human experiences. Most people want it and are terrified of it at the same time. in bed with your lover, you can be in varying degrees of intimacy. You can talk about the day's events, your problems, or your hopes and fears. This creates bonding at the level of ideas. Yet, a deeper intimacy can occur when the words stop. If your Hearts, emotions, and sexuality open, energy flows between you silently. A new level of communication begins.~ Spiritual sex arises out of both partners' desire for union through uninhibited self expression. What if you are here on earth not to transcend your human-ness, but to revere yourself exactly as you are right now? You are a fascinating combination of a heavenly angel/god/goddess and an earthly animal/beast. As you let go into the formless with the intention to become one with your lover, what can emerge is a dance back and forth between your god/goddess and your animal urges. As your animal nature releases into an uninhibited expression of lust, perhaps the absolutely perfect spiritual union becomes available to you in that moment. Then, in another moment, when you are softly touching and looking into one another's eyes, you have included your human, animal lust rather than trying to bypass it. As you surrender to your lover's feet in devotion, you can worship each other's divinity and each other's humanness. In fact, as you let out your lust, you create the foundation upon which to build your temple. ‘When your sexual roots Explode into the Earth, Your spiritual wings can Fly freely into Heaven.’ ~ Art - Autumn Skye 20% OFF for September & October. Book Seamus today for a conscious relating & sacred Intimacy coaching session. 4 Session Package Now Only $295. #consciousloving #sacredsexuality #empowerwoman #divinefeminine #sacredintimacy #openheart #healthyrelatioships #sacredrelationship #lover #Strengthofheart #healingthemaledivine #healingthefemaledivine #divinemasculine #transformingmasculine #manoflight #empoweredman #tantra #taoist #divinecouple #SerpentineFire #KundaliniEnergy #KundaliniSex #SexMagic #CosmicLove #Orgasmic #SexualHealing #Goddesses #Gods #frequency #sequence
08.01.2022 She Changes Everything She Touches What is the power of a woman who has opened to the sacredness and Divine truth of herself? What happens when she has the cou...rage to bring the inner light outwards? What transpires when she softens her hard edges, plants her bare feet on the soul of the earth, opens her sacred channels to the Ancient Ones and declares, "Yes, I am ready to be seen?" She changes everything she touches. The pulse of Life that was given as she incarnated as feminine form, housing extraordinary creative and healing powers, begins to throb faster, deeper, with a rhythm in tune with the universal, eternal heartbeat. With each throb, each memory-stirring resonance, each vibration subtly speaking ancient words of remembering, She begins to come alive to Her Shakti Essence. This is a conscious, intelligent, prescient, truthful and profoundly transformative energy. She begins to change. She feels changes on the inside, calling her to a Old Dance that can be heard up in the hills, up in the mountains, out near the sea. The Dancing is in time to a sensuous and seductive rhythm, and there are voices, chanting, music, laughter. It is the sound of women who are in love with themselves; in love with the Earth; in love with the oceans; in love with the sky. It is the sound of women changing, and supporting one another as they do so. It is the sound of women loving, with pure sacred force, and bringing their love to all places that are wounded, terrified, shaking, and lost. The circles of women who are dancing realise that they change everything they touch. They realise that their powers are immense, omnipotent, unfathomable, essential. They have been reminded by the Great Goddess that if they do not rise up now, if they do not open themselves to this energy, this support, this love, this power - that the promulgation of the Divine Feminine light will greatly suffer. It is time to remember that when She is in connection with Her deepest knowing, Her deepest wisdom, Her deepest intuitive responses, her deepest healing medicine, her deepest loving heart - She Changes Everything She Touches. Her Light will affect every room she enters. It will alter the balance of energies within every person she encounters. It will spark off transformation and healing within each and every situation that she is brought into contact with. She has a power that has been gained through lifetimes of learning and practicing with the Great Ones, lifetimes of pulling herself through ritual after ritual, rite after rite, initiation after initiation. She has worked from dawn until dusk, through the night, hour upon hour, breath upon breath, to hone and develop the Sacred Essence of Woman. She has worked hard, and long, to prove to the Goddess that she is capable of this mission. She is trustworthy, pure, wild and infinitely connected to Light. She can bring down the energies, she can pull up the healing, she can work her magic with lightning-speed - all without you ever knowing she is doing anything. You are probably just chatting with her. You might be receiving a hug from her. You may be walking with her. You might be asking her to use her abilities just for you. You might even be making love with her. Be prepared, for a level of transformation to occur that is relative to the level at which you have engaged her energy field. You must be aware of who you are dealing with. These women are everywhere now, but they are usually unrecognised by the masses. Those who 'know' will see them instantly, by the way their bodies shimmer and glow with truth; their eyes appear like Mysteries, rich with knowledge that pierces the Soul; their hearts seem to embrace, comfort and cherish without a single word spoken. They are magnetic, unforgettable and ravishing, because the Goddess is alive within them. Wave upon wave of nourishing light emanates from their bodies and flows to where it is needed - healing, restoring, transmuting. Powers such as these have long been forgotten on our planet, so it may come as a surprise when you are touched by this energy that you cannot understand nor forget. When you meet her, only remember this. She Changes Everything She Touches, so prepare to be changed. She Changes Everything She Touches, so realise that you called her into your life for a reason. She Changes Everything She Touches, so be aware that she will bring up in you what needs to transform. She Changes Everything She Touches, but don't ask her how she does it. Those kind of secrets rest in the sacred vaults of Heaven, the most hidden natural places on Earth, the most arcane tombs and temples of the Mystery. Someday, in the very distant future, you may get to witness her Divine methods and be permitted to enter her private, sacred domains of healing and magic. This day is a long way off. Until then, all you need to know is this: She changes everything she touches. Forever. Author~ Sophie Bashford Nicole Sacred Wild Woman Medicine Artist~ Unknown
05.01.2022 Quite a good read for those of you that attract the same lovers and to see the cyclic nature and the healing required. Good luck little ones it’s your choice
04.01.2022 Healthier reminder
04.01.2022 She is born to the spiraling dance deep within her, anchored into her womb, her very core power, her womanhood. She is a free spirit. Her soul has no, she is infinite and cosmic. She stands her ground. She becomes immovable in her determination, her bravery, and her sheer dedication to speak her truth. So long she often could not voice the unspeakable which was happening to her. So often she had to shout her pain and abuse to the heavens, and she was made the scapegoat, the one who had to suffer for the untruths being told about her. She shines in her truth, her integrity, her refusal to wear masks. She is authentic and real. She has no need to hide her own inner soul self. She shines her light and love everywhere. She is growing in her greatness, and she is no longer shrinking from truly living her highest soul purpose and calling, with ALL that she’s got. She is glowing. She is prospering. She rises. She dances the spiraling dance. She is the free spirit, the haunting music, the energy which brings about the rebirth, the renewal, the creative force. She is the pure unconditional love. The brilliance of the Fire of Illumination. The catalyst. The Force. The very Soul of the first Soul, the Soul-force of Creation! She is now! She is now! She now! She is pure, purer than pure. Author ~Judith Kusel Nicole Sacred Wild Woman Medicine Artist~ Tamara Phillips
01.01.2022 A Goddess is a woman who emerges from deep within herself. She is a woman who has honestly explored her darkness and learned to celebrate her light. She is a who is able to fall in love with the magnificent possibilities within her. She is a woman who knows of the magic and mysterious places inside her, the sacred places that can nurture her soul and make her whole. She is a woman who radiates light. She is magnetic. She walks into a room and male and female alike feel her presence. She has power and softness at the same time. She has powerful sexual energy that's not dependent on physical looks. She has a body that she adores and it shows by the way she comfortably lives and moves in it. She cherishes beauty, light and love. She is a mother to all children. She flows with life in effortless grace. She can heal with a look or a touch of the hand. She is fiercely sensual and fearlessly erotic and engages in sex as her way to share with another in touching the divine. She is compassion and wisdom. She is seeker of Truth and cares deeply about something bigger than herself. She is a woman who knows that her purpose in life is to reach higher and rule with love. She is woman in love with love. She knows that joy is her destiny and embracing it and sharing it with others to heal wounds. She is a woman who has come to know that her partner is as tender, lost, and frightened as she has been at times. She has come to understand the scars of the boy in him and knows that together, love can be the relief, the healing of their wounds. She is a woman who can accept herself as she is. She can accept another as they are. She is able to forgive her mistakes and not feel threatened by another's even when attacked. She is a woman who can ask for help when she needs it or give help when asked. She respects boundaries, hers and others. She can see God in another's eyes. She can see God in her own. She can see God in every life situation. She is woman who takes responsibility for everything she creates in her life. She is a woman who is totally supportive and giving. She is a Goddess . . . Author unknown
01.01.2022 Perfectly present
01.01.2022 What if I told you God has a plan for you..... And you can’t fuck it up....What if I told you God has a plan for you..... And you can’t fuck it up....