Toddler Sense Australia and New Zealand | Education
Toddler Sense Australia and New Zealand
Phone: +61 488 227 778
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25.01.2022 Some more great craft ideas for New Years Eve as let's be honest, plans change a bit once little ones come along (unless you have managed to arrange a baby sitter! ) Kick start the new year by making some beautiful memories with these activities! Please share your creations before the count down to midnight - because all other parents will probably be asleep by then
25.01.2022 Calling all toddlers! Our classes are multi-sensory adventures for busy people from 13 months to 4 years! We know just what keeps your toddler or child happy, busy, motivated, interested and excited to learn! Join our exciting world of magic and adventure in a safe and happy environment - there's always something new and wonderful to look forward to! Find a class:
24.01.2022 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
24.01.2022 Did you know Baby Sensory has released a Say Hello to the Sun Lullabies album, which includes the most popular instrumentals to soothe babies to sleep - live on iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, GooglePlay. Search for Baby Sensory on your prefered platform and enjoy soothing lullabies with your little ones!
24.01.2022 Happy Australia Day from the team at Toddler Sense Australia and New Zealand
24.01.2022 Happy International Day of the Midwife Celebrate. Demonstrate. Mobilise. Unite'
23.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day from the team at Toddler Sense Australia and New Zealand
22.01.2022 Today is a major fundraising day for our Australian partner charity, Miracle Babies Foundation. Every donation made today has 4 times the impact as $1 becomes $4 with the help of their Matching Donors . Every little bit counts, and has the potential to make a real difference. Please support premature and sick newborns and their families during the Miracle Babies Foundations 24hr Quadruple Giving Day. ... Donate here: Every year in Australia around 48,000 newborn babies require the help of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Special Care Nursery (SCN). 27,000 of these babies are born premature and up to 1,000 babies lose their fight for life.
21.01.2022 Do you have a "little helper"? Here are 17 safe Activities your toddler will enjoy at home plus information about all the benefits of encouraging your them to get involved
20.01.2022 Toddler Sense is a one hour class that has a different theme every single week to help your toddler grow and develop. So..... what's so special about our classes? * Our equipment is high quality and sourced especially for Toddler Sense and changes every week so no one gets bored!... * Our play area is on a thick matted area so your toddler can explore safely and try new things. * Our classes combine free play with structured activities which take your toddler on an exciting adventure. * Our classes provide your toddler with a little bit of everything. Free movement such as climbing, jumping, balancing, running to help gross motor skills and physical development. Then structured activities which include music, instruments, bubbles, light shows, puppet shows, dancing, action songs - and so much more! * Our classes help physical, emotional and social development through free play & structured activities to ignite imagination and role play. * Our Class Leaders are passionate about your toddler! Class sizes are small and we get to know you and your child really well - we notice their progression in class and can chat with you about their development. * You could attend for two years and never have the same class twice! So, how about coming along?
19.01.2022 Happy Valentines! We Baby Sensory Shop! Head to the store to buy a gift for your loved ones! They have great bundles and gifts for your little ones.
19.01.2022 Happy Boxing Day! Here are some great ideas for simple Cardboard box activities for your little ones! Easiest being one child + cardboard box + Colouring pencils = endless hours of fun! We would love to see your childs creations in the comments
19.01.2022 Aarrrggghhh Matey!! We have some great activities to keep young rapscallion lads and lasses busy. Head to our website to download 15 FREE activities and a pirate adventure instructions pack Australia: New Zealand: Enjoy me hearties!
18.01.2022 Merry Christmas from the team at Toddler Sense Australia and New Zealand! We hope your day is filled with wonderful memory making moments and endless smiles and laughter from your little ones!
18.01.2022 Our Toddler Sense Classes are so much fun and you are welcome to join the fun any time! You can find out who runs Toddler Sense classes near you by heading to our website Find a class near you today:
17.01.2022 When toddlers are encouraged to be physically active, they learn how their bodies work, build muscles, strength and endurance, burn off excess calories and sleep better at night. Read more in this weeks article about Toddler Fitness by our founder Dr Lin Day
17.01.2022 Today marks the end of Baby Loss Awareness week with the global wave of light starting in NZ at 7pm and then wrapping around the world for the next 24 hours. Join us and light a candle in honour of these precious babies
16.01.2022 Showcasing Toddler Sense Queensland: Enrol Now for Term One Follow the link to the Mornington Peninsula Facebook page or visit the website to find a class near you:
16.01.2022 Don't forget Mothers day is on Sunday! Here is a printable you can use for your tot to draw a picture or you can make little hand prints or footprints If you don't have non toxic paint here's a recipe to make one at home:
16.01.2022 Are you looking for something fun to do at home with your baby or toddler? We have the answer! Our @ Home Baby Sensory and Toddler Sense programmes are now available across Australia and New Zealand. To find a class near you visit: Australia website : New Zealand website: Join our @ Home programme today to enjoy two unique, 30-minute Baby Sensory sessions every week.
16.01.2022 Get up to 40% off our 'Say Hello' Range while stocks last via our online shop!
15.01.2022 Lest we forget
15.01.2022 Showcasing Toddler Sense North Lakes Queensland: Did you know many of our Class Leaders also host birthday parties? For more information on classes and parties head to the North Lakes Facebook Page or visit the website to find a class near you:
15.01.2022 Clay and dough, painting, colouring, threading pasta on a string, action rhymes, jigsaws, building blocks and craft activities are especially good for developing hand agility and muscle strength. Dr Lin Day #toddlerdevelopment #toddleractivities #toddleractivitiesathome #toddler #toddlersenseaustralia #toddlersensenewzealand #drlinday #babysensoryfounder #Athome #staysafe #playathome
14.01.2022 Head to our website and find your local class
14.01.2022 If you enjoyed yesterdays printable for hands and feet, why not try a finger painting to create the flower head with the whole family on Mothers Day? Store in a safe place for heart warming moments to look back on for years to come! Print a few copies and keep them together so you can recreate the activity every year! To save the image to your computer to print, click on the image and then right click and save. We would love to see your creations
13.01.2022 When your wardrobe matches your mood! We love seeing bright smiley faces including #mrhappy during our classes
13.01.2022 Just when you think they aren't paying attention...
12.01.2022 Across Australia and New Zealand, families are opting for #staycations this school holidays. If you are looking for some tips on how to make your trip as stress free as possible, have a read of our "Travel tips for your staycation" article
12.01.2022 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT In their relentless drive to explore the world, toddlers gradually acquire social skills that enable them to get on successfully with other people. Many of these skills are acquired through observation and imitation of the adults closest to them. The development of social skills also depends on interaction and activity with other children. Even though toddlers do not cooperate, share or make friends until their fourth year, if they have been given plenty ...of opportunities to play with other children, they will be at an advantage when they go to toddler group or preschool. Find a class near you today:
11.01.2022 Showcasing Toddler Sense Gold Coast Check out the timetable for term 1 dates: Follow the link to the Gold Coast Facebook page or visit the website to find a class near you:
11.01.2022 Showcasing Toddler Sense South Australia: Term 1 bookings Now Open Follow the link to the South Australia Facebook page or visit the website to find a class near you:
11.01.2022 Showcasing our Toddler Sense Perth Metro, NOR and Swan: New term dates now open! Follow the link to the Perth Metro, NOR and Swan Facebook page or visit the website to find a class near you:
11.01.2022 Hearing the phrase "fine-motor" a lot but not 100% sure what it means or why its important? "Fine-motor skills relate to the development and control of small muscles in the hands and feet. Small-muscle development is crucial for activities such as grasping, squeezing, cutting, threading, throwing, drawing and walking." Dr Lin Day
10.01.2022 If you are looking for a class you can visit our website:
09.01.2022 Showcasing our Toddler Sense Christchurch New Zealand: Term Starts Soon! Follow the link to the Christchurch NZ: Facebook page or visit the website to find a class near you:
09.01.2022 We know just what keeps your toddler or child happy, busy, motivated, interested and excited to learn! Join our exciting world of magic and adventure in a safe and happy environment - there's always something new and wonderful to look forward to! To find a class near you visit our website!
08.01.2022 Expactations Vs Reality when a new baby arrives: Expectations of a new baby and how older sibling will behave versus the reality can sometimes be a little unexpected. In this weeks article, Dr Lin Day talks about Managing sibling rivalry including ways to encourage a more positive and harmonious relationship.
08.01.2022 #HappyHalloween! Which fun activities do you have planned for your little one? What ever you have planned, we hope you have a Spooky Wooky day !
07.01.2022 Showcasing Toddler Sense Perth - North of the River: Book now for 10 weeks of action packed fun! Follow the link to the Perth - North of the River Facebook page or visit the website to find a class near you:
06.01.2022 Get 10% off the entire "Say Hello" range using discount code: Play@Home. Visit
06.01.2022 Our Massive 40% off Say Hello Sale has begun! Head to Baby Sensory Shop, save today and recveive your gifts in time for Christmas!
05.01.2022 Happy Easter from the team at Toddler Sense Australia and New Zealand Send us some love and spread the joy by sharing some of your Easter family traditions or creations!
05.01.2022 Today's the day Spring has officially arrived. Who else is excited?! Share with us why today is putting a spring in your step!
03.01.2022 If you are lucky enough to be planning a trip with your little ones over the next school holidays, why not check out our article with suggestions of the top travel toys! The article includes tips for babies, toddlers and older children
03.01.2022 Remember at this age, toddlers still think your dad jokes are funny and will hang on your every word. Make the most of it this Fathers day! Don't forget to share your favourite dad joke. We promise to laugh too!
02.01.2022 Did you know..."Fine-motor skills take longer to develop than gross motor skills, which is why toddlers are unable to do up buttons and use scissors. These skills develop gradually with repetition and practise"
02.01.2022 Looking for some activities for the Easter weekend? Head to our website for 30 Free printable worksheets.
02.01.2022 Did you know Balloon Phobia is a real thing? It's called Globophobia Read more about it here and also 10 ways to help your child overcome their Balloon Phobia
02.01.2022 Showcasing Toddler Sense Rockingham, Mandurah and surrounds: Book now for Term 1 Follow the link to the Rockingham, Mandurah and surrounds Facebook page or visit the website to find a class near you:
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